I like to watch movies very much. And my favourite movie is Home Alone. It is an old film, it was made in 1990. But it's very funny and kind. I like the main character in the film. His name is Kevin. He is a little boy and he was accidentally left home alone by his family. But he is a very clever and independent kid. He can cook, clean house, do shopping himself. One day he learns, that some robbers want to rob his house. So he decides to protect the house himself. There are a lot of funny scenes in the film. Kevin makes all kinds of tricks and traps. And the robbers fall into the traps. Then Kevin calls the police and they arrest the robbers. After that Kevin cleans the house, and makes a wish. He asks Santa Claus to return his family. And in the end of the film they all come back. When I was a small kid, I wanted to stay at home alone too. But now I know, that it is just a fantasy.
Его имя - Кирилл
У него кошачье тело ,но он очень умен ,особенно в сфере алхимии.
Он носит черную свисающую футболку и оранжевый пиджак
Он умеет делать различные лекарства
Любит он слушать панк-рок
Он не относится ни к какой сети,он один единственный на все вселенные и измерения.
His name is Cyril
He has a feline body, but he is very smart, especially in the field of alchemy.
He wears a black dangling T-shirt and an orange blazer.
He knows how to make various medicines
He likes to listen to punk rock
It does not belong to any network, it is the only one for all universes and dimensions.
Переходи дорогу только на зелёный свет светофора.
2) If there is no traffic lights first find a safe place to cross, then look all around and listen for traffic before crossing.
Если светофора нет, первым делом найди безопасное место для перехода, затем оглядись и прислушайся, перед тем, как переходить дорогу.
3) Use the crossing if there is any. It is safer to cross using a subway.
Используй переход, если он есть. Безопаснее пользоваться подземным переходом.
4) Remember that traffic lights may let traffic move in some lanes while traffic in other lanes has stopped.
Помни, что светофор может разрешать одим рядам ехать, в то время, как другие ряды стоят.
5) Get on or off a bus only when it has fully stopped.
Заходи и выходи из автобуса только в случае его полной остановки.
6) Never cross the road directly behind or in front of a bus. Wait until it has moved off and you can see the road clearly in both directions.
Никогда не переходи дорогу прямо перед или за автобусом. Дождись, пока он уедет и ты сможешь увидеть дорогу во всех направлениях.