Hello, my name is (твоё имя). I am from Russia. I live with my parents. My mother's name is(имя твоей мамы). She works in shop. My father's name is(имя твоего папы). He is doctor. My brother's name is(имя твоего брата). He is pupil.
If talking about me,I like films about Charlie.They are so funny.The main character was created and perfomed by the famous actor and fil director Charles Spencer Chaplin.Charlie attracted my heart,he-small,clumsy,but brave and kind.My favourite film is "The Kid".Its touching story of a tramp and a boy.Chaplin was cast in the role of tramp,who found the boy and raised him from baby.But when the boy was five the authorities try to take him to an orphanage.The tramp rebeled and fought the authorities.He disobeyd the rules and rescued the boy. I like this film very much and think that is bast Chaplins film.
The man in the picture looks in his sixties(60s) and around 180cm tall.He is dressed in casual clothes - perfect for a walk in the park. Seems like he has a pair of jeans on, a nice light jacket - ideal for the warm weather, combined with a pair of trainers. He’s got glasses on and his hair is grey. It looks like the man is enjoying the walk and the fact that he’s surrounded by such beautiful nature. The trees are green and theres a hint of yellow, which means its early autumn. The unknown man is alone, but it seems that it’s more than enough for him, since most people only need their own company.