My room is very beautiful. It is has a table, soft bed, windowsill (подоконник, если что), two plants, computer chair, computer, chest of drawers (комод), balcony and candlestick. It is small, but comfortable. In her beautiful wallpaper. on the windowsill I have is a picture of my family. View from the window at night is very beautiful. on the street a lot of lights, it looks beautiful. I like my room. Вышло на 67 слов, немного больше, чем ты сказала, но думаю, это не ошибка)
1)Yes, I do. I usually listen to such radio programmes as, for example, brief History of Maths on BBC 2)I watch TV about 5 hours per week 3)My favourite TV programmes are "Hell Kitchen" and "House-2" 4)I don`t read magazines regulary, but sometimes I read such magazines as "Elle" 5)Yes, I do. My favourite one is "Independent newspaper" 6)Mostly I use Internet to chat with my friends and find out useful information. I spend 10 houra on the Internet each week 7)I use my mobile phone generally to have access to information wherever I go. I would like to get information, which can help me in education
1. 2. read. 3. lives. 4. does(тут не поняла,вроде так). speaks. 5. drive. 6. play. 7. sings. 8. haves. 9. gives. 10. go. 2. 1. Он встает в 7 часов утром. 2. Я хожу на Черное море каждый год. 3. Мэри живет в Италии. 4. Иногда мы смотрим телевизор вечером. 5. Твои друзья понимают французский? 6. Сэм работает в полиции. 3. 1. Is Kate his older sister? Kate is not (isn't ) his older sister. 2. Has my granny 5 grandchildren? My granny hasn't 5 grandchildren. 3. Do my parents go to the cineme every weekend? My parents don't go to the cinema every weekend. 4. Does Ann sleep? Ann doesn't sleep. 4. 1. We like to read... . 2. Ben haves . 3. 4. My friends eat... .
I like my room.
Вышло на 67 слов, немного больше, чем ты сказала, но думаю, это не ошибка)