Текст: various natural disasters often occur in our nature. For example: Earthquake, fire, tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc. During an earthquake, the earth changes its location. Earthquakes occur due to earthquakes at sea or in the ocean. But in some cases people are to blame for example, in a fire. A volcano erupts when a lot of energy builds up inside the earth.
Перевод: различные стихийные бедствия часто происходят в нашей природе. Например: землетрясение, пожар, цунами, извержение вулкана и т. Д. Во время землетрясения Земля меняет свое местоположение. Землетрясения происходят из-за землетрясений в море или в океане. Но в некоторых случаях люди виноваты, например, в пожаре. Вулкан извергается, когда в земле накапливается много энергии.
1. Do you like music?
Yes, I like music. It always makes me feel happy. I like music from my childhood.
2. What's your favourite types of music?
My favourite type of music is k-pop. It is a Korean pop music. K-pop music is very funny.
3. Can you sing?
Yes, I can sing. When I have free time I always sing. It is very interesting for me.
4. Did you learn music at school?
Yes, I learnt music at school. Music was my favourite subject. In music lessons we always sang a lot of songs.
5. If you could learn a musical instrument, what it would be?
I think it would be a piano. Because the way the piano sounds is very beautiful. I would try to play classical songs.
6. Do you think music is important?
Yes, of course! The music is imporatant because when people feel theirselves unhappy music always can cheer up them. When I am angry or tired I always listen to music and calm down.