Напишите небольшой ответ на это вопрос what you prefer^playing traditional team sport,going to the gym or trying an extreme sport to keep fit and why? ?
The story starts from the fact that Harry Potter couldn't get to the King's Cross. He has to use Ron's father's magic car to get to Hogwarts. In the castle Harry starts hearing a strange voice, avalaible to him only. He heared the voice when he was coming back from Lockhart's cabinet. Some time later, after the Halloween feast, all Hogwart's pupils find Harry standing near the wall where is written in blood: The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware! when Harry breaks his hand playing Quidditch, he has to spend a night in the hospital. There he meets Dobby, the house elf. Dobby tells him that terrible things are going on in the school and persuades Harry to leave the school. The same night Harry sees petrified Colin Creevey.Then another thing happens: at the Duel Club Harry, unwittingly, starts speaking parseltongue. Since that time everyone in the school thinks Harry is the heir. There are some other petrified people. Harry Ron and Hermione start finding out who is the real heir and what monster lives in the Chamber. First time they suspect it's Hagrid's Aragog, but after walking into the Dark Forest they already don't think so. Mr. Binns tells them the legend (in the book , in film it's p. McGonagall). Then happens something terrible - Hermione is petrified, but she left for Harry and Ron help. She found out who lives in the Chamber, and it's the Basilisk.They come to the girl's toilet to talk to Moaning Myrtle. She tells them how she died. This time Hogwarts' teachers see that Ginny Weasley is lying in the Chamber. There's written on the wall: Her body will stay there forever. So Harry Ron and Lockhart come to the Chamber. There Harry meets Tom Riddle and Basilisk. After battle Harry wins, Ginny comes to life. Phonix heals Harry's hand and they all come back. The end)
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated o started almost 400 years ago in 1620 when British colonists gave a feast of thanksgiving for a good harvest and also to thank the Indians for their help.
Who are the Pilgrims and why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day? The English had visited America at different times starting from the 15th century. Among them were John Cabot (1498), Sir Francis Drake (1577), Sir Humphrey Gilbert (1583) and Sir Walter Raleigh (1585).
The first successful English colony was founded in 1607 by a group of Englishmen who sailed to Virginia. They hoped to find riches. 105 men (there were no women or children at first) landed at a place they called Jamestown, after England’s King James I. They never found gold but the settlement survived partly with the help of Indians, partly because of their strong will and partly because they found tobacco which they sold to England at a very good price.
When King James I was rulling the country, many Englishmen did not like him. Many people also did not like the Church of England. That is why they wanted to leave the country. Puritans wanted to find religious freedom from the Church of England somewhere far away.
In 1620 some English families (about one hundred people) formed the group which they called the London Company. They left England from Plymouth on board the ship called Mayflower and sailed to America. Their harsh journey lasted for seven long weeks.
It was already winter when the ship reached the shores of America. The weather was terrible with rain and cold wind. First, 16 men landed and went ashore. They found some corn and brought it to the ship. The corn was left on that coast by the Indians.
Next day was Sunday. So, all the passengers of the ship had a rest. On Monday women went ashore to wash their clothes. Now in America Monday is "a wash-day".
Next five weeks men from the Mayflower left the ship and looked for a good place where they could live. The weather was getting colder and more and more people fell ill.
Finally, they found a place that seemed suitable. There was everything they needed — forests, fields, a small river and a harbour for ships. They started to build a village there which they later called New Plymouth.
King James I himself gave the Pilgrims the right to establish their own colony.