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There are sports games and cyber sports. I choose sportsport. Sports are good for your health. Thanks to sports, you can stay active and healthy. I love to play volleyball and pionerbol. These are ball games. Every day I get out of bed in the morning and do exercises. It makes me cheerful and strong. And if you play video games., it will harm your eyes. So I choose sports. I also go to the mountains with my friends. Fresh air in the mountains. The sun warms with warm rays of light. Especially in spring, I look forward to spring. I love being athletic. This is my favorite activity.
1.Ukrainian national food got a merited renown almost in all places of the world. Different floury dishes (pampushki, galushki, vareniki, korzhi and others), meat dishes (Ukrainian sausages, cold collations, game, birds etc.), vegetable and milk dishes (ryazhenka and sirniki), various drinks of fruit and honey are very popular in Ukraine. Starters characterize Ukrainian national cuisine as a full one in terms of nutrition quality. A wide range of soups, recipes of which include majority of available ingredients, enrich nutrition and beneficially effects human digestive system. Ukrainian cuisine starters are first of all soups like borsch. Each region of Ukraine has it’s own borsch recipe. Although it is not a unique major dish of Ukrainian national cuisine. Such soups like kulish, borage, yushka meat soup, fish soup (ukha), okroshka are also popular. And each of these soups has a lot of variations. A lot of soups are prepared on the basis of popular types of meat and vegetables. The most popular meat basis is pork, while beet-root, legumes, potatoes and carrots are the most popular vegetables.
2.But especially known and most favorite dish all over the world is famous Ukrainian borsch. Borsch is cooked of fresh vegetables: cabbage, beet, tomato with the addition of pounded lard with garlic and parsley. The combination of all these groceries give the borsch its piquancy, aroma and unforgettable taste. There are about 30 types of Ukrainian borsch (Poltava borsch, Chernigov borsch, Kiev borsch, Volyn borsch, Lviv borsch and others). Ukrainian national cuisine afters are delicious, nutritious and useful. Some afters have penetrated into world cookery, for example vareniki and halushki, eaten with great pleasure all over the globe, especially where there is Ukrainian Diaspora. Besides all that we have to mention such Ukrainian cuisine afters as meat balls, roast meat, diverse recipes of cutlets, polyadvitsa, krucheni- ki, smazhenina, zazivanets, mazuryky and loads of fish dishes. A lot of afters are made from potatoes: deruny and knydly, for example. Particular attention should be paid to starchy foods. Ukrainian cuisine prepares great quantity of pies (pirogs) and slozheniks. Another special dish is holodets (aspic), prepared according to different recipes all over Ukraine.Various porridges — varenyky filled with cottage cheese, potatoes, stewed cabbage and berries in summer — are prevalent in Ukraine too.
Stewed meat with potatoes, Ukrainian bitki with garlic and lard, stewed cold boiled pork with cabbage and lard, kruchenyky and others have the same popularity among Ukrainian lovers of tasty food. Fish dishes have a considerable part in Ukrainian national food assortment from the old times. For example crucian (carp) baked in sour cream, fish kruchenyky, carp stuffed with mushrooms and boiled buckwheat, carp stewed with onion or sour cream, pike perch stuffed with mushrooms and crawfish and others. Ukraine national cookery is rich in meals cooked in special cases (wedding, birth of the child, send-off to the army and others). In such a way pancakes of wheat and buckwheat flour and varenyky are the obligatory meals in Pancake week (Maslenica). Meat or liver pies are usually cooked for the most solemn occasions. The ceremonial dish was fruit compote — uzvar. Now these dishes are common in every Ukrainian and Russian canteen or restaurant.
время -Present Simple, залог Активный (Active voice)
had been testing
время - Past Perfect Continuous, активный залог Active Voice
are held, are united
время-Present Simple, пассивный залог Passive Voice
has continued to grow
составное глагольное сказуемое
время - Present Perfect, активный залог -Active Voice
are expanding
время - Present Continuous, активный залог Active Voice
will have
время - простое будущее Future Simple, активный залог Active Voice
were replaced
время- Past Simple, пассивный залог Passive Voice
will be designed
время - Future Simple,пассивный залог Passive Voice