Food plays an important role in our life. I can not imagine my life without food and water. This is the thing number one I think to be active, happy and hardworking.
I try to eat healthy food only. I do believe that if you feed your body with the healthy food, it will sure tell you “thank you” in many years.
Well breakfast I eat everyday. In the beginning I pushed myself to eat only healthy food: oatmeal, porridge, cereals, fresh juice and so on. After couple of weeks I liked that menu and now I eat only these products.
For lunch I prefer vegetables and fruit. I eat a lot of them and feel perfect.
For dinner I choose steamed vegetables and fish or chicken.
Sometime I want to eat junk food, but this can happen once in a month.
I enjoy a lot this kind of meal. It’s like my fuel to keep my body strong and to have energy. I noticed that my life has changed. My skin became more pure, I feel energy every day, my body is really thankful to me.
Many people unfortunately waste their life eating fast food and drinking soda, missing breakfast and keeping to strange diets.
Food has to be delicious, healthy, well-balanced and on time. There is a big variety of food in the shop today, but we have to be smart and choose right products. Supermarkets and firms, restaurants and fast foods make so much money today while offering all kind of products. I never believe to advertising on TV or in the shops, I choose natural products. Also I prefer to eat home-made food to any semimanufactures. Yes, it takes longer but it is much better and more delicious.
I think if you eat well, you will be always healthy, wealthy and fit.
1. Считается, что существующие классификации отраслей права
отражают особенности правовой системы страны.
2. Как оказалось, эта классификация была разработана современными юристами.
3. Традиционно считается, что уголовное право принадлежит к
категории публичного права, хотя потерпевшими зачастую являются
обычные граждане.
4. Гражданское право оказалось одним из самых сложных предметов.
5. Вероятно, этот законопроект очень долго обсуждался в Парламенте.
6. Маловероятно, что стороны будут подавать апелляцию.
7. Говорят, у них есть право добиваться возмещения ущерба.
8. Обнаружили, что сам владелец магазина украл эти деньги.
9. Оказывается, он известный ученый. Он написал множество статей по системе российского права.
10. Как известно, подобные судебные процессы проводятся с участием присяжных
The English have given (Present Perfect Active) the world the system of English law that has (Present Simple Active) its origins in Anglo-Saxon times. Two of its hallmarks are (Present Simple Active) its preference for customary law (the common law), and its system of application by locally appointed part-time magistrates, by locally chosen juries, and by the travelling judges going from one county town to another on circuit. Other aspects of the English law are (Present Simple Active) the fundamental assumption that an accused person is deemed (Present Simple Passive) innocent until proved guilty and the independence of the judiciary from intervention by crown or government in the judicial process. The legal system is divided (Present Simple Passive) into civil and criminal courts. The House of Lords is (Present Simple Active) the ultimate court of appeal for both civil and criminal cases. At the base of the criminal court system, the magistrates’ courts try (Present Simple Active) more than 97 percent of the criminal cases. More serious criminal cases then go (Present Simple Active) to the Crown Court, which has (Present Simple Active) 90 branches in different towns and cities. In 1971 the Crown Courts replaced (Past Simple Active) the individual courts, and it is (Present Simple Active) now a single court that may sit (Present Simple Active) anywhere in England, deal with (Present Simple Active) any trial on indictment, and hear (Present Simple Active) appeals and proceedings either on a sentence or on civil matters. Civil cases are dealt with (Present Simple Passive) in County courts. Certain cases may be referred (Present Simple Passive) to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The legal system of Great Britain also includes (Present Simple Active) juvenile courts which deal with (Present Simple Active) offenders under seventeen, and coroners’ courts which investigate (Present Simple Active) violent or unnatural death. Tribunals deal with (Present Simple Active) professional standards, disputes between individuals, and between individuals and government departments.