1. Many people in Russia go to church regularly. 2. The Indian Tiger is a disappearing animal. 3. I bought a dress yesterday. The dress suits me very well. 4. Where is the bag Peter brought yesterday? 5. In summer you can see millions of stars in the sky. 6. Where is Nelly? She is in bed. She was so tired that she went to bed without having supper. 7. Let’s watch television or listen to the radio. 8. My granny feels bad. I’m afraid she will have to go to hospital. 9. There is a magazine on the table. 10. Last Friday we went to the university to Mr. Drake’s lecture. 11. We started the work at 5 but haven’t finished it yet. 12. It was the man I saw in the park in the morning. 2. 1. I can’t get on well with my mother-in-law. 2. Don't forget to turn off the iron before you leave the house. 3. I guess that it’s time to get down to work. 4. The man turned out to be a famous artist. 5. I am sure we got on the wrong trolley-bus. 6. Mother had to do the flat the whole evening because children turned it over. 7. It took her a year to get over the shock of her husband’s death. 8. Tell Mr. Gordon that I’ll call him tonight if he turns up.
Yesterday I was at a friend's. We played different games: chess, draughts, designed robots. The TV was showing cartoons. Then his mother called us to eat. The food was very tasty. We were playing with his cat. The cat's name was Мурзик. We played with the cat for a long time. I really enjoyed my time at my friend yesterday.
Вчера я был в гостях у друга. Мы с ним играли в разные игры: шахматы, шашки, конструировали роботов. По телевизору показывали мультфильмы. Потом его мама позвала нас кушать. Еда была очень вкусной. Ещё мы с ним играли с его котом. Кота звали Мурзик. С котом мы играли долго. Мне очень понравилось проводить время у моего друга вчера.