zhila byla devochka Olya.U ne yeshcho byla sistema Dasha. Olya ubiralas' pomagala po domu ,a Dasha lezhala sebe v krovati nichego ne delaya . Obe devochki khodili v shkolu . U Oli mnogo chego poluchalas' potomu ,chto ona staralas' i yey nravilos' eto delo . A Dasha na oborot za ,chto ne voz'metsya vse bystrey bystrey delayet.Odnazhdy devochkam zadali vyshit' kaver za odnu nedelyu. Olya srazu prinelas' za delo.A dasha lezhala v krovati i nichego ne delala , zadaniye nuzhno prenesti ne skoro potom zdelayu.Nastupil posledniy den' na vypolneniya domashnigo zadaniya.Dasha tol'ko prinelas' za delo i delala vse bystreye da bystreye ,ne akkuratno. A yeshcho sistema Olya zakonchila rabotu.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Olya, who had not yet had the Dasha system. Olya cleaned up and helped around the house, and Dasha lay in her bed doing nothing. Both girls went to school. Olya did a lot of things because she tried and she liked this business. And Dasha, on the other hand, for not taking it up faster and faster. Once the girls were asked to embroider a cover in one week. Olya immediately got down to business. And Dasha lay in bed and did nothing, the task should not be done soon then I will do it. The last day has come to do her homework. Dasha just got down to business and did everything faster and faster, not neatly. And Olya's system has finished working.
There are four different seasons in the year and they all are unique. They please and surprise us with beauty and natural phenomena. All children and adults have their favorite season. Someone likes spring, someone likes summer, someone waits for autumn and winter. Every time of the year, just like a person has his own mood. There are people who love all seasons.
Many people like summer. This is the time of rest and vacations. This season provides an excellent opportunity to go to the sea and sunbathe. In the summer season, many berries, fruits, and vegetables are ripening. Days are getting longer and hotter, the nights are shorter. You have an opportunity to go to the countryside to the lake, have a picnic, take a walk in the wood. But, unfortunately, this time passes very quickly and autumn comes.
Children go to the school. Fall is the golden time, it's time to harvest. Green leaves change its color and please with beautiful contrasts of yellow and orange shades. Birds fly away to the south, animals prepare for the winter season. This time does not last long, comes the turn of heavy rains and cold.
And then winter comes. It pleases us with New Year's holidays and fun. A lot of white, fluffy snow falls. In winter, you can ski, sled, and skate, ride in the mountains, build snowmen. Winter gives us a New Year mood. People begin to prepare for the holiday, decorate the trees, give each other gifts and have fun.
After a cold, frosty winter, spring comes. Everything around comes alive and awakens. The days become longer and warmer. The sun more often makes us happy with its rays. Birds come back and please us with their twitter. The snow melts and the murmurs of streams can be heard. Appears the first grass, flowers. Blossom buds in the trees. Forest animals get out of their holes. May beetles fly in. New life comes, with the arrival of spring.
Training day usually begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:00. Schools are closed on public holidays. School holidays: two weeks at Christmas, two wearing in spring, July and August - summer vacation. During summer vacations in schools open summer programs for students, where he teaches both academic and language programs.
Foreign students can learn together with Canadian children in general education programs or programs of learning English. The courses are taught by certified teachers in well-equipped schools.
All teachers have university degrees and bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees. Each school receiving foreign students, staff includes counselors, psychologists, and additional training of specialists, working with foreign students. Schools are equipped with laboratories, computer rooms, art studio, tennis courts, gyms and playgrounds. Students have excellent employment opportunities for extra-curricular activities (band, choir, interest clubs), as well as a variety of sports (football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, hockey, golf, swimming, tennis, skiing, athletics).