1 He said that his mother was a doctor. 2 My friend says that he has already read this article. 3 We didn't know that she would be glad to see us again. 4 His brother said that he was busy and he wasn't able to help me. 5 Our parents say that children are playing football. 6 He said that he didn't like to go to the theatre. 7 Everyone knew that her sister would come to London the following week. 8 She said that she lived in Saransk. 9 Her father believed that he would receive(would get) a letter from his father. 10 Their teacher thought that his students liked to study English.
1)Annie said she was hungry 2) I told him I didn't like tea 3) Olaf said his father did a lot of business with England 4)The woman said she would pay me two pounds 5) She said to Lilian she could come with her 6) He said he didn't think it would be interesting 7) My friend told me I could go there for a year 8) She said nothing would make her do that 9)Mike said hai friend was a painter 10) She said she was good at painting 11)He said he would have lunch on Saturday 12) The teacher said he would give us a new task on Reported Speech
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