В садочке есть плод,
Он сладок, как мёд,
Румян, как калач,
Но не круглый, как мяч,
- Он под самой ножкой
Вытянут немножко.
The garden has fruit
He is sweet as honey,
Blush, like a roll,
But do not round like a ball
- He is just under the foot
Stretched a little.
Яркий, сладкий, налитой,
Весь в обложке золотой.
Не с конфетной фабрики –
Из далекой Африки.
Bright, sweet, juicy,
The entire front cover in gold.
Not a candy factory -
From Africa.
Само с кулачок,
красный бочок,
Потрогаешь - гладко,
откусишь - сладко.
It goes with the cam
red flank,
Touch - smooth,
bite - sweet.
яблоко (apple)
This car was repaired by my friend
These letters were translated two days ago
Soon these trees will be planted in our yard
This cake is made very delicious
My sister,s house has been sold this year