1 An expedition is going to be prepared by John Mills to the North 2 видимо предложение не правильно написано 3 the expedition is going to be showed on national television 4 All the necessary have been already bought by John Mills 5 An observation is going to be set up 6 Objections have been raised to this expedition by many people
1 the project of a new trade centre is being discussed by the chief architects and engineers 2 all the necessary documents have been already signed by the general managers 3 building works are going to be started in April 4 the project will be supported by Many building firms 5 the biggest trade and entertainment centre are going to be built in the region 6 objections have been raised to this project
1- e e) to try make yourself a better person; -стараться сделаться лучше 2 - h h) because I'm already pretty much one of the best people - потому что я уже один из лучших людей 3 - c c) when you're trying to be helpful;- когда ты пытаешься оказывать 4 - g g) was gonna go on a diet; -собирался сесть на диету. 5 - b b) give up making my resolutions too; - перестать принимать новогодние решения тоже. 6 - d d) eating her potato chips so loud; - есть так громко свои картофельные чипсы 7 - f f) from what I've seen so far; - из того, что я видел до сих пор.