я думаю что это текст очень познавательный и очень развлекательный его главная мысль это технологии. Я думаю что в будущем технологии будут еще больше развиты и более продвинуты но эти технологии могут и навредить языку это смайлики смайлики могут выразить кратко мысль но это иногда не понятно
I think that this text is very informative and very entertaining its main idea is technology. I think that in the future technologies will be even more developed and more advanced but these technologies can also harm the language these are emoticons emoticons can Express briefly a thought but it is sometimes not clear
Russia is the biggest country in the world and situated in Eurasia continent. Russia`s territory is around 17 125 191 square kilometers. Eighteen countries are closest neighbors to Russia. Russia`s population is around 145 million people. Moscow is the capital of Russia. You can visit a places of interest in every large city in Russia.
You can take a look at Moscow and it`s Red Square, St. Basil Cathedral, The Armory and Kremlin. You can also travel to St. Petersburg and see a lot of palaces of Imperial Russia, such as Peterhoff and many others. You can also enjoy a beautiful scenery of Russian countryside.