1. It isn't 10 o'clock now. Is it 10 o'clock now?
2. They haven't got five children. Have they got five children?
3. You aren't late. Are you late?
4. He isn't hard-working. Is he hard-working?
5. We haven't got a small cottage. Have we got a small cottage?
6. I don’t have much time. Do I have much time?
7. We aren't students. Are we students?
8. She hasn't got many English books. Has she got many English books?
9. There aren't 14 floors in their house. Are there 14 floors in their house?
10. I am not from Kiev. Am I from Kiev?
11. His name isn't Steve. Is his name Steve?
12. He isn't a first-year student. Is he a first-year student?
13. He isn't twenty. Is he twenty?
14. They aren't at home. Are they at home?
16. There aren't 15 employees in his office. Are there 15 employees in his office?
15. It isn't warm today. Is it warm today?
17. The office isn't large. Is the office large?
18. They aren't lawyers. Are they lawyers?
19. Her eyes aren't green. Are her eyes green?
20. They aren't friends. Are they friends?
Он сказал:"Ну,давайте начнём! Какой предмет у вас обычно первый?"
"Арифметика!",сказали дети. "Давайте пропустим её!",сказал Стюарт. Дети были счастливы пропустить арифметику.
"А какой следующий предмет?",спросил Стюарт.
"Правописание",ответили дети."Конечно,вы должны писать правильно. Купите словарь Вебстера и проверяйте себя по нему." Дети были счастливы пропустить и правописание.
"Что потом?"
"Рисование",ответили дети.
"Вы не знаете,как рисовать?",спросил Стюарт.
"Конечно знаем!",воскликнули дети.
"А следующая история",сказала девочка.
"История? Я её не люблю. Давайте поговорим о более интересных вещах. О змеях".
"А может о цирке?",спросил Гарри Джеймс.
"Нет,о господине мира! Я хочу им быть."
"Ты слишком маленький",сказала Мэри Смит.