Тест ! данный тест по чтению рассчитан на 20-25 минут. 7 минут на ознакомление с текстом и 13-15 минут на решения теста. можно даже использовать тест для аудирования, так как он простой. a letter dear irina, thank you for your letter. i would like to know a bit more about your school activities. do you have parties at school? what are they like? our parties are not always interesting. some are amusing and some are boring. the best we had was on the valentine’s day. we all loved it very much. it was a costume party. i had a butterfly suit on with big black-and-red wings. we have pinned up funny posters on the walls in the rest room. the most interesting part of it was the mail. i got five valentine’s day, cards. i think the big card was from joe. i went all red when i opened it. there was a big satin elephant holding a bunch of plastic flowers in its trunk and these words: “sharon, i love you.” i also wrote ten cards to boys and girls just for fun, and of course one to joe. you can guess what i wrote in it. we also sang and danced at the party. how do your parties go? к тексту. exercise 1. write what sharon liked about the st. valentine’s day party most of all. exercise 2. say if the statements are true or false. all parties in the english school are interesting. all the children liked the party on the valentine’s day. the party was held in the classroom. sharon got a bunch of flowers from joe. sharon wrote ten cards to boys. they sang and danced at the party. exercise 3. give yes / no answers to the questions. does sharon like parties? are all english school parties amusing? was the party she described a costume party? did sharon get a card from joe? does she love joe? did she write a card to joe? exercise 4. complete the table about the st. valentine’s day party. name of party costume she had on number of cards she received number of cards she sent what they did at the party
1. He said that he would go to the cinema tomorrow.
2. They said that they hadn't seen me yesterday.
3. I said that I was reading that book then.
4. He said that they could run very quickly.
5. We asked if he/she lived there.
6. She asked if I had done my homework.
7. I asked them why we should go there in 3 days.
8. They asked me where I had been yesterday.
9. He asked me how I was going to do it.
10. The teacher said to close our books.
11. I asked him/her/them to help me.
12. They said not to push the door.
13. We asked them not to speak so loudly.
14. She said that we shouldn't do it.
15. He said that they had watched that film a week ago.