ответ:Photo 3.
The boy in the photo is doing homework in the kitchen. Sitting on a chair, he looks at his homework in an electronic diary. After viewing the homework, it will start to complete it. He is very focused on this slave. The black-haired boy is dressed in a bluish t-shirt, his age is 11 years. I liked the picture. It makes me feel like a child.
Объяснение: Это перевод
Фото 3.
Мальчик на фотографии делает домашнюю работу на кухне. Сидя на стуле, он смотрит домашнюю работу в электронном дневнике. После просмотра домашней работы, он приступит к его выполнению. Он очень сконцентрирован над этой рабой. Черноволосый мальчик одет в голубоватой футболке, возраст его 11 лет. Мне понравилась картина. В ней я ощущаю себя как в детстве.
I would like to describe picture number one. In the background of the picture there is a blackboard, so we can understand that a boy in the classroom now. The boy is a student and he is thinking about his task. Speaking about his appearance, he is a young, such a handsome boy with dark hair and big green eyes(в впр должна быть цветная картинка,а в пробнике можно придумать). He looks serious and very concentrated on his work. I don't like this photo because the boy looks tired and sad. I also don't like school because I have to do my homework (потому что я должна делать дз)
В пробниках ты не обязан говорить свое мнение по-настоящему (т.е.дествителтно нравиться картинка или нет), главное много и грамотно все описать
One day boy understood that there is more that talks. He understood that he likes that girl. He can't write poems or sing love songs. He didn't know how to tell the girl about his feelings. So, he сan draw. He painted picture. At this picture was that girl and she smiled. He fell in love with her again and again. And then he showed painting to that girl.
He said to her: 'You are my whole life love. I love you.'
The girl didn't know how to react. She smiled and told him the same words. Both were happy. They lived all their life together.