Задайте общие вопросы. 1 she loves her family. her family? 2 he works in an office. in an office? 3 they work in an office. in an office? 4 they want to work. to work? 5 it wants to play. to play?
Сочинение на тему : Я хочу стать врачом: I want to be a doctor
When asked about who I want to be, I am always proud to say: a doctor. It seems to me that this profession is the most humane on earth. After all, the doctor helps people, relieves them of pain and even saves their lives. Representatives of this profession should be kind, strong spirit and be able to feel someone else's pain. It is important to have them at the sight of another's suffering. After all, if the doctor will survive and he will have a tantrum, it is unlikely that he will be able to help the patient.
The medical profession is most important to man. Is there anything more precious than health?
In order to be a doctor, you need to have a special ability to biology and chemistry at school. Further-patience to study in a higher educational institution for, at least, six years. Many of my friends say that studying for a doctor is very difficult. In any case, you can not miss lectures and practical classes, because perhaps it is your mistake will cost the patient's life. Each of the subjects is very difficult, but I intend to study them properly in order to become a true professional in the future.
The main feature of the physician – responsibility. At work with patients for a second it is impossible to relax.
The doctor's profession is very complex and interesting. Many have the impression on this work exclusively on the series, however, life can be all absolutely wrong. Patients are not always friendly and polite, but the doctor should remain calm and patient. The doctor is obliged to make various decisions every day, prescribe treatment or perform surgery. It seems to me that this profession is very difficult, but I am ready for any difficulties.
Each doctor takes an oath of Hippocrates at the beginning of his journey. This means that the doctor must adhere to the principle of confidentiality, the patient's disease can only talk to him and no one else. Representatives of this profession should take care of everyone and respect each patient. It's important not to hurt anyone. If the patient came to the hospital, it means that he has good circumstances. "Do not make it worse" - one of the most important postulates.
In my opinion, it is impossible to become a doctor, they need to be born. You need to have a sincere desire to help other people, empathize with them and just be able to work. It seems to me that it is peculiar to me, and I will be able to become a doctor with a capital letter.
The doctor has no right to make a mistake. Wrong diagnosis, indifference to the patient, hysterical doctor or a trembling hand can interrupt someone's life. I dream in the future to tell the relatives of my patients: "Your child is fine, the operation was successful."
Present Simple: My dad like dogs. We go for a walk on Saturday. My cousin doesn't like to swim. My family won't go to sea. Which animals do you like? Does your sister like to do homework?
Past Simple: I walked with friends yesterday. Dad made an offer to his mother in 2001. I didn't go to the camp last year. My brother didn't get 5 on mathematics yesterday. Did you talk to your sister that week? Last year did you go to the sea?
Future Simple: She will buy a car this year. They will watch an interesting film at the weekend. I won't buy this skirt. This letter won't be read. Will your brother be at home tomorrow? Will the weather be good next week?