1) She is constantly complaning about nasty weather and naughty girls. (d.)
2) She didn't know what the homework was, so she asked her classmates. (b.)
3) She is always picking up quarrels with other people. (d.)
1) a. будет жаловаться (не верное смешение времён, должно быть "will be complaining")
b. жаловалась (не верное смешение времён, должно быть "has been complaining")
c. жалуется (употребляется только с "I, you, we, they")
d. жалуется (действие в процессе)
2) a. спросила (не верное смешение времён)
b. спросила ("простое" то же время, что и в начале предложения)
c. спрашивает (не подходит по времени, первая часть предложения в
d. спросит (не подходит по времени, первая часть предложения в
3) a. вообще начинает, подбирает (не подходит по времени, в начале предложения стоит "is", указатель протяжённости времени)
b. начинает, подбирает (употребляется только с "I, you, we, they")
c. начинала, подбирала (не подходит про времени, в начале предложения стоит "is", указатель настоящего)
d. начинает, подбирает в процессе (требует вс глагола "is")
1 He had an accident. He broke his leg PAST SIMPLE
2 Have you ever had quinsy? Yes, i have PRESENT PERFECT
When did you have it? I had it last winter PAST SIMPLE
3 You cut your finger. How did it happened? PAST SIMPLE
4 Has Jane recovered yet? PRESENT PERFECT
5 Mr. Wood didn't feel well lately. He first fainted last week. PAST SIMPLE
6 The patient has confined to bed for over a month. PRESENT PERFECT
7 The pain hasn't subsided yet. PRESENT PERFECT
8 A thorough examination confirmed the diagnosis. PAST SIMPLE
9 The patient has discharged from hospital already. PRESENT PERFECT
10 What did the examination reveal? PAST SIMPLE
Держи I want to tell you about one sport. This kind's called football. This game is where most men love, but sometimes I'm in love with my dad to watch the game. So interesting! Once the ball is flying here, two ball flies there. And I know that football is not just a sport, but also a game. I noticed that in this wonderful game est goals, penalties and even any other. I love this sport!!