This feeling is universal and accessible not only to humans, but also in a slightly modified form to other creatures. Why is love important, and we strive to find a soul mate, even knowing that relationships can be fraught with pain and suffering?
About love from the depths of antiquity
The ancients demonstrated a special attitude towards love, giving control of this feeling and everything connected with it to the god Eros, who is also known under the names Cupid, Cupid and Eros. The eternally young playful god invariably accompanied the goddess of love Aphrodite and also his own mother, armed with a bow and arrow. Daring, headstrong, stubborn and impetuous, the boy with wings sent arrows into the hearts of people, giving an all-consuming feeling, regardless of any social characteristics. Thanks to Eros, people experienced the attraction that ensures the continuation of life on Earth.
So what good does this feeling bring to life? First of all, the ability to see the world in a positive way. After falling in love, a person begins to notice the goodness and beauty more sharply not only in the object of love, but in the world as a whole. People are looking for true love, wanting to see the world in all its diversity, to gain wings behind their backs. And this amazing feeling of cheerfulness, lack of fatigue, inexhaustible energy, adrenaline literally flowing down your fingertips?
A person in love perceives everything that is happening around sharper and clearer, expanding the boundaries of knowledge of values and acuteness of feelings. Love makes us sighted, helping to comprehend the individuality and uniqueness of a loved one, as well as push the boundaries of our own world.
Это чувство универсально и доступно не только людям, но и в несколько видоизмененном виде и другим существам. Почему важна любовь, и мы стремимся отыскать вторую половинку, даже зная, что отношения могут быть сопряжены с болью и страданием?
О любви из глубин древности
Особое отношение древние демонстрировали к любви, отдав управление этим чувством и всем, что с ним связано, богу Эросу, который также известен под именами Амур, Купидон и Эрот. Извечно юный шаловливый бог неизменно сопровождал богиню любви Афродиту и по совместительству собственную мать, вооружившись луком и стрелами. Дерзкий, своевольный, упрямый и стремительный, мальчик с крыльями отправлял стрелы в сердца людей, даруя всепоглощающее чувство, не взирая ни на какие социальные характеристики. Благодаря Эросу люди испытывали влечение, обеспечивающее продолжение жизни на Земле.
Так что же хорошего привносит это чувство в жизнь? Прежде всего видеть мир в позитивном ключе. Ведь влюбившись, человек начинает острее замечать добро и красоту не только в объекте влюбленности, но и в мире в целом. Люди занимаются поисками истинной любви, желая увидеть мир во всем его многообразии, обрести крылья за спиной. А это удивительное чувство бодрости, отсутствия усталости, неиссякаемой энергии, адреналина, буквально стекающего по кончикам пальцев?
Влюбленный человек острее и четче воспринимает все происходящее вокруг, расширяя границы познания ценностей и остроты чувств. Любовь делает нас зрячими постичь индивидуальность и неповторимость любимого человека, а также раздвинуть границы собственного мира.
Love is the best feeling in the world. Love makes the world go round. It is the greatest mystery of all times. If you ask someone “What is love?”, he or she will hardly find enough words to express its meaning.Love can be different. There is love for parents, love for children, love for animals, love for friends, first love, love for husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. When you love someone or something, your heart and soul become warmer and kinder. People, who carry love in their hearts, are always happy and in good mood. Love helps to live and survive in the hardest moments of our lives.
Almost all feelings in the world have some advantages or disadvantages. However, love has only advantages. It brings harmony and peace. The only type of love that can be painful is unrequited love. It’s when you love someone, but he or she doesn’t feel the same about you. It’s sad but it often happens. Moreover, I think that all people have experienced one-sided love at least once in their life.Again, I don’t think it’s a disadvantage of love. One-sided love teaches us something new, enriches with life experience and makes us stronger. Some wise men even say that one-sided love is better than none. Another disadvantage of love is its role in wars. Many ancient wars started because of love to a woman.Still, I think that love is the most important thing in everyone’s life. That’s why poets make verses, directors shoot films and composers write songs about it. All people in the world want to love and to be loved. When love is mutual, it is the best thing that can ever happen to a man.
2) Had been cleaning
3) Have been dancing
4) Will had been worked
5) Will had been snowed