1) Само предложение: The students go to school 6 days a week. 2) Общий вопрос: Do the students go to school 6 days a week? 3) Специальный вопрос: Where do the students go 6 days a week? ( можно задавать вопрос к другому члену предложения, тогда предложение может начинаться с When,Why,What) 4) Вопрос к подлежащему (чаще его относят к специальному вопросу) : Who goes to school 6 days a week? 5) Альтернативный вопрос: Do the students go to school 6 or 7 days a week? (Можно or ставить между другими членами предложения: Do students or teachers) 6) Разделительный вопрос ( делится на два типа : начало положительное, а конец отрицательный и наоборот): +,- The students go to school 6 days a week, don't they? ( обязательно краткая форма на конце) ; -,+ The students do not go to school 6 days a week, do they? Надеюсь, что эти примеры
-What were you doing while we were shopping in Covent garden? - At 9 o'clock we were reading a tale. -What tale did you read? - We read "The little red riding Hood". After that we were playing a very interesting game. - What game did you play? -"Cats and dogs" -Then for half an hour Charlie was watching TV. -What were Emily doing while Charlie was watching cartoons? -I was making lunch. When we ate. -Mr.Brown called. -What were you doing when we arrived? -I was drawing a picture. Show me your picture, please. Beautiful!
It can sit and skip.
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