\Direct speech, or direct speech, expresses a person's phrase verbatim, it is a quote or transfer of the essence of a phrase said by another person, on their behalf.
As in Russian, direct speech in English is framed by quotation marks, but "upper" quotation marks are used, called English double quotes. Instead of a colon before the author's words at the beginning or a comma and a dash at the end, English uses a single simple comma. The dot at the end of the sentence is placed before the closing quotation mark, not after it, as in Russian.
3. We went to the shop but we didn't go to the bank.
4. She had a pen but she didn't have any paper.
5. Jack did French at school but he didn't do German.
6. I spoke English but I didn't speak German.
7. She ate meat but she didn't eat apples yesterday.
8. I bought a magazine but I didn't buy a newspaper.
Упражнение 57.
1. I enjoyed the party. And you? Did you enjoy the party?
2. I had a good holiday. And you? Did you have a good holiday?
3. I got up early in the morning. And you? Did you get up early in the morning?
4. I slept well last night. And you? Did you sleep well last night?
5. I got up before 7.30 yesterday. And you? Did you get up before 7.30 yesterday?
6. I had a shower. And you? Did you have a shower?
7. I did an examination yesterday. And you? Did you do an examination yesterday?