1. If you go to a movie, buy tickets in the rear stalls. From there, the screen is better visible, and you will enjoy any feature film-Western, Thriller or musical. 2. Yesterday I watched one of the plays by A. Ostrovsky (Ostrovskiy) in the production (staged by) of a famous Director. I sat in the box and had a good view of the stage, the scenery, and the actors. Since I had a good seat, I didn't take the binoculars in the wardrobe. The actors played very well. I was very impressed with the costumes, makeup, and decorations. When the curtain fell, I applauded the actors for a long time.
I'd like to visit London. This is one of the most famous cities in the world! I'd like to see the famous clock tower Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, which are the real monuments of history. I know that in London there are a lot of museums, but I'd like to visit the museum of Madame Tussauds most of all. A special place among the sights is occupied by famous London pubs. I'd like to feel the atmosphere of old England there, which is represented in these cozy pubs. And of course, I'd like to visit the famous Ferris wheel, which is called " The London Eye."
Сделай мой ответ лучшим пож)))
Который обнаружил (понял), что ему нечего делать (нечем заняться).
Итак (поэтому) он сидел на звёздах
И считал свои волосы
И обнаружил, что их было 72 (волоса).
Жил-был старик из Перу,
Не знал, чем заняться ему.
Считал свои волосы верхом на звездáх,
И их насчитал всего семьдесят два.