Устойчивое выражение have (has) ON - обозначает, что что-то на ком-то НАДЕТО,можно вместо has on везде написать is wearing (одет в настоящий момент)
1) Steve has a shirt with a tie, a coat and jeans on.
Bill has a shirt with a tie and jeans on. (можно добавить too - тоже)
2) John has a shirt and jeans on.
Ann has a dress on. (sarafan-это чисто русский вид платья, поэтому в англ языке такого слова нет, пишешь или платье (dress) или сарафан, но англ буквами) .
Stert has a shirt and jeans on.
Mary has a shirt and knee-breeches on.
1.The highest point or part of something.- a top
2. Two children born of the same mother at the same time. - twins
3. A grass-eating animal that can run very fast.- a deer
4. To make somebody happy.- please
5. Silly or foolish.-stupid
6. The raised ground along the river.- a bank
7. A person who steals. -a thief
8. To cry out loudly.- to scream
9. To do something to take action.- to act
10. A person who makes gloves.- a glove-maker
11. To receive money in return for work you do.- to earn
12. A young person of between 13 and 19 years old.- a teenager