2. Find 10 words. Translate them into Russian.
cashier кассир
to к
tow пакля
owe быть в долгу перед
towel полотенце
rum ром
mascara тушь
as как
scar шрам
car автомобиль
wall стена
all все
wallet бумажник
let позволять
tab табуляция
trousers брюки
use использовать
user пользователь
bask наслаждаться
ask просить
basket корзина
discount скидка
count рассчитывать
cheese сыр
flour мука
our наш
sugar сахар
3. Fill in the gaps with some, any, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, something, anything.
1. There isn't anyone in the fitting room.
2. There are some pears and apples on the plate.
3. Are there any students in the library?
Nowadays majority of people prefer to attend to college or university after graduating their school for many different reasons. Some people want to have new experiences , when some of them want to increase their knowledge so that it will help their career to develop faster, but we should not forget that there are some people that are choosing school of life, by following their dreams right after high school. But why do people choose universities and colleges over school of life that actually seems so easy and fun?
Most of times, people choose school of life only if they’re sure what they are going to do. In that case, it’s ok to leave university behind, but if you’re not sure , you’d better think before you decide. As for me, I prefer to going to university and increasing my knowledge instead of going somewhere without knowing what to do, to reach your goal. I think this is the main reason why majority of people choose universities, because that way, they’ll have someone to direct and help them, since most of people attending there, are teenagers that are not so sure about their future and choice. At that place , I don’t think that anyone will refuse some help from an experienced couch.
In conclusion I want to say that I think people attend to college or university because either they need to higher their qualification to improve their career, either they’re not sure, and hoping that they’ll find their calling during classes, because anyway by sitting at lections they won’t lose anything and may be one day they will use the experience that they acquired there.