GOSSIPY GIRL MOUSE 1: I heard that Mr. and Mrs. Mouse´s daughter is very beautiful.
GOSSIPY GIRL MOUSE 2: She´s the most beautiful girl in the world!.
GOSSIPY GIRL MOUSE 1: Is it true that every mouse on earth wants to marry her?.
GOSSIPY GIRL MOUSE 2: Yes, it is!.
GOSSIPY GIRL MOUSE 1: It’s sad that her parents don´t like any of them.
(They leave. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse enter)
MRS. MOUSE: Who will we marry our daughter?. We don´t like anybody. Nobody is that good for her!.
MR. MOUSE: That´s right. One mouse has a large tail; another one doesn´t have teeth; then, there’s one that is too fat. We can´t let her marry any of them. They are so ugly!.
MRS. MOUSE: She must marry the most powerful in the world.
MR. MOUSE: The most powerful is the Sun!.
(The Sun enters)
MRS. MOUSE: (in a sweet voice) Mr. Sun!. We have a beautiful daughter. She is the prettiest girl in the world, and you are the most powerful. You deserve her!.
MR. MOUSE AND MRS. MOUSE: We want you to marry her!.
SUN: I´m not the most powerful. The most powerful is the Cloud.
SUN: Yes. The Cloud covers me.
(The Cloud enters and covers the sun. The Sun disappears)
MR. MOUSE: Hey, Cloud!. We have seen you cry a lot of times. Do you cry because you feel alone?.
CLOUD: No. I cry so that plants can grow.
MRS. MOUSE: You are the most powerful, and you deserve to marry our daughter.
MR. MOUSE: She is the most beautiful mouse on earth!
CLOUD: No, I´m not the most powerful. The most powerful is the wind.
CLOUD: Yes. The wind blows me . (wind blows and whistles) Listen!. here it comes!. Oh, it´s pushing me!.
(The Wind enters. The Cloud disappears. The Wind walks around the stage and the mice walk behind it)
MR. AND MRS. MOUSE: Mr. Wind!. Mr. Wind!. Stop!.
(The Wind stops blowing)
WIND: What do you want. I´m in a hurry!.
MR. MOUSE: Would you like to marry our daughter?. She is the most beautiful mouse in the world!.
MRS. MOUSE: You are the most powerful. You deserve her!.
WIND: I am not the most powerful. The most powerful is the wall.
WIND: Yes.The wall stops me. The wall doesn´t let me go through.
(The Wind leaves whistling trying to destroy the wall. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse fall down because of the wind force)
MR. MOUSE: (getting up) We have to talk to the wall.
MR. MOUSE: Yes, we have to!. (they approach the Wall) Mr. Wall! Mr. Wall!.
MRS. MOUSE: He doesn´t hear you. He is old and deaf.
MR. AND MRS. MOUSE: Mr. Wall!. Mr. wall!.
WALL: What do you want?.
MR. MOUSE: (yelling) Would you like to marry the most beautiful girl in the world?.
WALL: That I´m wrong?. I´m too old.
MRS. MOUSE: No, no!. Would like to marry our daughter!.
WALL: Who, me?. Why?.
MR. MOUSE: Because you are the most powerful.
WALL: Me, the most powerful?. Ha, ha, ha, ha! I´m full of holes. The most powerful is the mouse who made them.
MR. AND MRS. MOUSE: The Mouse?.
(Mr. and Mr. Mouse look at each other and seem ashamed. The Young Boy Mouse enters from behind the wall)
YOUNG BOY MOUSE: You are the parents of the most beautiful girl in the world. I want to marry her. We have been in love for a very long time.
MR. MOUSE: Oh, but where are you going to live?.
YOUNG BOY MOUSE: In this old wall. I have bee building a house with many rooms. It has a living room, a dinning room, and a kitchen. It is very comfortable!.
MR. MOUSE: Yes!. Yes!. You will marry our daughter because you are the most powerful in the world.
MRS. MOUSE: Most powerful than the sun, the cloud, the wind, and the wall.
(The Girl Mouse enters and hugs and kisses the young boy mouse. The Gossipy Girl 1 and 2 enter)
GOSSIPY GIRL 1 AND 2: We wish you the best!.
Hey, bro! Listen up, do you remember that party which was two days ago? I met so handsome girl over there, and she just stuck in my head! I always think about her. I forgot to take her phone number! Do you know her name? She was staying alone with some drink. What I noticed is that her eyes were brown colour. She looked at me and we smiled to each other. Gosh, her lips are huge with white teeth. She had short black hair. What I am telling you is she definitely does some sports, because her red dress looked so good on her that I could see her curvy shapes of her body. Man, I really want to know her!