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The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge is near Salisbury in the south of England. Stone Age people started to bulid the stone circle in 3100 BC, and they used it for religious ceremonies. The enormous stones were originally from Wales, and people carried them 400 km. How? Nobody knows. There weren't any vehicles in those days - perhaps people carried them down the river on boats!
Доисторический памятник Стоунхендж находится недалеко от Солсбери на юге Англии. Люди каменного века начали строить этот круг из камней в 3100 году до нашей эры и использовали его для религиозных церемоний. Огромные камни были из Уэльса, и люди перенесли их на 400 км. Как? Никто не знает. В те дни не было никаких транспортных средств - возможно, их перевезли по реке на лодках!
today I would like to talk about 2 cuisines of different countries.hearty Belarusian and neat British.the most popular snack in Britain is Breakfast.because of this, they have many options for every taste.basically British food is very light it contains chicken egg beans and so on.in Belarusian cuisine bread and dough are used in many dishes.meat and potatoes are also present in almost all dishes.that makes it satisfying.but this is not znachet that there are no snacks!it also has a lot of sandwiches.and sweets are no exception !a lot of jam from a variety of berries.in conclusion, I would like to say that all countries have unique cuisine and Belarus and Britain are no exception.
2. Books of Russian writers are read in many countries.
1. A new hospital was built last year by them.
2. Brother will be looked after by him next week.
3. The boy wasn't visited by pupils last week.