For dinner when I come home I have vegetable soup. Actually I don’t like soup. But I have to eat it because it’s healthy. But when I come to my granny I can’t stop trying her specialty - borsch or shi. Soup with meat balls that my mom cooks is my favourite. I can also have a salad or fried fish. I usually do not have desserts. Maybe some green or black tea with lemon. На ужин, когда я прихожу домой, у меня есть овощной суп. На самом деле я не люблю суп. Но у меня есть, чтобы съесть его, потому что это здорово. Но когда я пришел к бабушке, я не могу перестать пытаться ее специальность - борщ или Ши. Суп с фрикадельками, что моя мама повара является моим любимым. Я могу также есть салат или жареную рыбу. Я обычно не имеют десерты. Может быть, некоторые зеленый или черный чай с лимоном.
My name is alexsey. I am fourteen years old. New Year is considered the most popular holiday in our family. At the beginning of December everybody has a festive mood. In the city the streets and shop windows are decorated with bright and motley garlands. A huge Christmas tree is put at the main square. We begin to prepare for the holiday. We buy Christmas-tree decorations, tinsel and gifts for each other at New Year’s fairs. At the end of December we put artificial Christmas tree and decorate it for the holiday. I help my mother to prepare a festive table on December 31. New Year’s Eve always seems to me magical and unforgettable. At midnight after president’s appearance on television chiming clock begins to strike. We wish each other a happy New Year and make a wish and then exchange gifts. When I was a child I found the gifts under the Christmas tree and I thought that Santa Claus had brought them. Although I’m already adult and I don’t believe that Santa Claus exists, on New Year’s Eve I want to find myself in the dream and to believe in a miracle.
у меня днюха 31 марта