September is considered to be still a summer month, and the weather is not much different from summer. In Uzbekistan, autumn begins on Oct. Days shorten, the air temperature drops, nights become cool. Sometimes at night falls frost, infrequent rains occasionally turn to snow. Autumn comes to the mountains earlier and brings with it cold. At this time figs, pomegranates, iva, late ripe grape varieties ripen
Сентябрь считается еще летним месяцем, и погода мало чем отличается от летней. В Узбекистане осень начинается с октября. Дни укорачиваются, температура воздуха понижается, ночи становятся прохладными. Иногда ночью выпадает иней, нечастые дожди изредка переходят в снег. В горы осень приходит раньше и приносит с собой холода.В октябре в Узбекистане начинается "золотая осень", в садах идет сбор овощей, фруктов и бахчевых. В это время созревают инжир, гранаты, айва, позднеспелые сорта винограда.
Осадки в Узбекистане выпадают неравномерно. Их большая часть приходится на горную местность, меньшая - на степи и пустыни. Жгучее солнце и редкие осадки высушивают воздух и поверхность земли. Именно это повлияло на пересыхание Большого Аральского моря (северо-запад) в конце 20 века, превратив его восточную часть в пустыню.
Precipitation in Uzbekistan falls unevenly. Most of them are in mountainous terrain, a smaller part - on the steppes and deserts. Burning sun and rare precipitation dry the air and surface of the earth. This influenced the drying up of the Great Aral Sea (northwest) at the end of the 20th century, turning its eastern part into a desert.
The U.S. Constitution, written to remedy the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation (1781-89), defines a Federal system of government where certain powers are delegated to the national government and others to the States. The national government is divided into three branches: Executive, legislative and judicial. By sharing power, and by a system of checks and balances, no branch of government can subdue the other two. All three branches are interconnected, each with overlapping powers. The Constitution contains several specific provisions (such as age and residence requirements for holders of Federal offices, as well as powers granted to Congress), but in many areas it is vague and does not fully address the many issues that have arisen since ratification. Thus, the Constitution is considered a living document, its meaning changes over time as a result of new interpretations. The Executive branch is headed by a President elected for a 4-year term, but not more than 2 consecutive terms (22nd amendment of 1951). The President's official constitutional duties include command of the armed forces; conducting international negotiations and concluding treaties; appointing Federal judges, ambassadors, and Cabinet officials; and serving as head of state. In practice, the presidential powers have been expanded to include drafting legislation, conducting foreign policy, leading his own political party, etc. the President forms his Cabinet, which in addition to the Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of state and attorney General includes Ministers of all relevant ministries. Significant powers are granted to non-Cabinet aides to the President, such as the White house chief of staff, the U.S. trade representative, the Director of National intelligence, the Director of the CIA, etc.and Cabinet members and aides are appointed at the discretion of the President and may be dismissed at any time. This branch of government also includes independent regulators — the Federal reserve and the securities and exchange Commission. The purpose of these organizations is to protect the public interest by enforcing the rules and resolving disputes under Federal rules. Also part of the Executive branch are government corporations (such as the Amtrak rail passenger Corporation or the U.S. Postal service) that provide services to consumers
я переводчик искал а то я сам немогу стока написать-_-