Evolutionary history: Slow lorises (genus Nycticebus) are strepsirrhine primates and are related to other living lorisoids, such as slender lorises (Loris), pottos (Perodicticus), false pottos (Pseudopotto), angwantibos (Arctocebus), and galagos (family Galagidae), and to the lemurs of Madagascar. They are most closely related to the slender lorises of South Asia, followed by the angwantibos, pottos and false pottos of Central and West Africa. Lorisoids are thought to have evolved in Africa, where most living species occur; later, one group may have migrated to Asia and evolved into the slender and slow lorises of today.
Lorises first appear in the Asian fossil record in the Miocene, with records in Thailand around 18 million years ago (mya) and in Pakistan 16 mya. The Thai record is based on a single tooth that most closely resembles living slow lorises and that is tentatively classified as a species of Nycticebus. The species is named ? Nycticebus linglom, using open nomenclature (the preceding "?" indicates the tentative nature of the assignment).Several lorises are found in the Siwalik deposits of Pakistan, dating to 16 to 8 mya, including Nycticeboides and Microloris. Most are small, but an unnamed form dating to 15–16 mya is comparable in size to the largest living slow lorises. Molecular clock analysis suggests that slow lorises may have started evolving into distinct species about 10 mya. They are thought to have reached the islands of Sundaland when the Sunda Shelf was exposed at times of low sea level, creating a land bridge between the mainland and islands off the coast of Southeast Asia.
Андрокле и Льве. На горе живет очень большой и очень сильный Лев. Каждый вечер он спускается к реке, чтобы попить воды. Однажды вечером Лев падает в колючий куст. " Ой! "говорит он. "У меня колючка в ноге."В этот момент появляется бедный раб по имени Андрокл. "Добрый человек, вы можете мне "говорит, что лев и держит лапу в Андрокле . "Да, конечно", - говорит Андрокл. "Но быстро. Мой хозяин ищет меня! "Андрокл опускается на колени и вытаскивает шип. Вскоре после этого хозяин Андрокла ловит его и отправляет сражаться со львом перед императором. Андрокле очень страшно. Лев выходит из клетки и бежит к Андрокле. Лев останавливается перед Андрокле и переворачивается на спину всеми четырьмя ногами в воздухе. Как такое может быть? О, да. Это же Лев с горы! Он не может навредить Андрокле. Император так удивился. Он освобождает их обоих. Андрокле и Льве вернуться в горы и жить счастливо.
Slow lorises (genus Nycticebus) are strepsirrhine primates and are related to other living lorisoids, such as slender lorises (Loris), pottos (Perodicticus), false pottos (Pseudopotto), angwantibos (Arctocebus), and galagos (family Galagidae), and to the lemurs of Madagascar. They are most closely related to the slender lorises of South Asia, followed by the angwantibos, pottos and false pottos of Central and West Africa. Lorisoids are thought to have evolved in Africa, where most living species occur; later, one group may have migrated to Asia and evolved into the slender and slow lorises of today.
Lorises first appear in the Asian fossil record in the Miocene, with records in Thailand around 18 million years ago (mya) and in Pakistan 16 mya. The Thai record is based on a single tooth that most closely resembles living slow lorises and that is tentatively classified as a species of Nycticebus. The species is named ? Nycticebus linglom, using open nomenclature (the preceding "?" indicates the tentative nature of the assignment).Several lorises are found in the Siwalik deposits of Pakistan, dating to 16 to 8 mya, including Nycticeboides and Microloris. Most are small, but an unnamed form dating to 15–16 mya is comparable in size to the largest living slow lorises. Molecular clock analysis suggests that slow lorises may have started evolving into distinct species about 10 mya. They are thought to have reached the islands of Sundaland when the Sunda Shelf was exposed at times of low sea level, creating a land bridge between the mainland and islands off the coast of Southeast Asia.