Сэлли любит играть со своими друзьями.- I like to play with my friends. Сэлли любит петь.- I like (/don't like) to sing. Сэлли любит плавать в озере. - I like to swim in the lake. Сэлли ненавидит готовить. - I like (/hate) to cook. Сэлли ненавидит грязную посуду. - I hate dirty plates. Джон любит кататься на велосипеде. - I like to ride a bike. Джон любит запускать воздушных змеев. - I like to fly kites. Джон ненавидит петь песни. - I hate/like to sing songs. Джон ненавидит танцевать. - I hate/like to dance.
Dear Peter, You asked me to tell you about my family. Well, I have a mother, a father and a younger brother.My mother's name is Olga. She works in a clothing shop. She has a very good taste in choosing clothes and she teacters me how to look nice and cool.My father's name is Dima(имя папы). He's the owner of a computer shop. He is very smart and sometimes helps me in my studies.My younger brother's name is Sergei (имя брата, если нет, то придумай). He is very kind and good brother and helps me in everything too, sometimes he gives useful advice and tells funny stories from his school life. I love my family, because all of them are my closest friends. That's all for now. Write about your family. Best wishes, Slava
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