Summer is the best season of the year for every schoolchild. They all want to have a good rest after a long and difficult school year. I am not an exception. As my grandparents live in the village, I go there every summer.I like to spend my time there as there are a lot of friends who either live there or like me come to their relatives for summer. My grandmother and grandfather live far from my city, so I have to go by train and it takes me two days. Last summer I went to visit them as usual. When I came to the village the first thing I did was swimming. There is a big river in the village and I am very happy that the water there is warm and clean and I can swim and sunbathe all day long.So I can say that I had a very active rest in the village. Every day I got up early in the morning, took shower, had breakfast and helped my grandma in the garden. She grows different vegetables and fruit. Then I helped my grandfather with the animals. They have different animals like cows, sheep, goats. I helped to clean them, feed and give them water. They have birds, too: hens, geese and chicks. After that I went to meet my friends. We took long rides on our bikes, went to the forest to gather berries and mushrooms and of course swam. I spent one month in the village. I am waiting for the next summer to go there again.
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1)better-лучше (The) best-самый лучший 2)softer - мягче softest -самый мягкий 3)мне кажется, что у вас опечатка ,не mach,а much,тогда: more –больше most-наибольший 4)bigger-больший (The) biggest-самый большой 5)more beautiful-более красивый the most beautiful-самый красивый 6)smaller - меньше the smallest -наименьший (самый маленький) 7)shorter - короче (The) shortest - самый короткий 8)more important- более важный most important-самый важный 9)deeper-более глубокий the deepest -самый глубокий 10)мне кажется ,что не rish,а rich,тогда: richer - богаче richest -самый богатый 11)dirtier — грязнее the dirtiest-самое грязное 12)angrier - злее the angriest-самый злой 13)worse –хуже the worst-худший 14)more exact – точнее the most exact-самый точный 15)more honest-честнее the most honest-самый честный 16)more kind — добрее most kind-самый добрый 17)harder-труднее the hardest -самый трудный
My grandmother and grandfather live far from my city, so I have to go by train and it takes me two days.
Last summer I went to visit them as usual.
When I came to the village the first thing I did was swimming. There is a big river in the village and I am very happy that the water there is warm and clean and I can swim and sunbathe all day long.So I can say that I had a very active rest in the village. Every day I got up early in the morning, took shower, had breakfast and helped my grandma in the garden. She grows different vegetables and fruit.
Then I helped my grandfather with the animals. They have different animals like cows, sheep, goats. I helped to clean them, feed and give them water. They have birds, too: hens, geese and chicks.
After that I went to meet my friends. We took long rides on our bikes, went to the forest to gather berries and mushrooms and of course swam.
I spent one month in the village. I am waiting for the next summer to go there again.