Hello Masha, We had a nice day today in the city. My sister Anya is younger than me and we don't do anything together very often so it was cool for us to spent a day walking in the park. We walked along the green trees and bushes and near the pond we bought an icecream. Unexpectedly my phone rang. It was my mum! She finished her workday and invited us to a cafe. We ate cookies and drank cola. And then we got home. How I'd like to have such days more often! Bye!
Привет, Маша, Мы сегодня провели отличный день в городе. Моя сестра Аня младше меня и мы не очень часто делаем что-то вместе, так что это было круто для нас провести день, гуляя в парке. Мы гуляли вдоль зелёных деревьев и кустов, и возле пруда мы купили мороженое. Неожиданно мой телефон зазвонил! Это была моя мама! Она закончила свой рабочий день и пригласила нас в кафе. Мы ели пирожные и пили колу. А затем мы вернулись домой. Как бы я хотела чтобы такие дни у меня были почаще! Пока!
N April the UK will open an amusement park Nickelodeon Land, dedicated to the heroes of the eponymous children's television channel. It will be one of the three parks Nickelodeon Land outside the U.S.. The other two can be found in Australia and Germany. Nickelodeon Land is located in the park Pleasure Beach in Blackpool. It will offer 12 theme rides, Nickelodeon shop and restaurant. Among the entertainment - attraction "Battleship Sponge-Bob", "Avatar", inviting everyone to take a ride on a huge rotating disk and the roller coaster. In addition, visitors waiting for Dora's world tour - boat ride for fans of the Dora-Ranger and race up a mountain gorge with the heroes of the cartoon series "Rugrats." Amusement Park Pleasure Beach annually receives more than 6 million people. The cost of the ticket, allowing unlimited number of attractions to visit: for children - 17 pounds (just over 20 euros) for adults - 22 pounds (26 euros), family ticket when you buy online would cost 86 pounds (102 euros).
1.Summer salad
2.Olive salad
Main courses
1.Grilled chicken with tomatoes
2.White fish in grilled
3.Roast beef with apples
Ice cream
Apple pie
Soft drinks
Hot tea