-Привет, Андрей!
-Привет, Миша!
-Как у тебя октябрьские выходные?
-Очень хорошо! Мы с семьёй долго думали чем заняться. Мама предлагала пойти в театр, папа предложил барбекю за городом, а моей сестре по душе оказался кемпинг на природе. Но наконец мы решили сходить в парк развлечений. Там было очень весело и интересно. Я даже принял участие в спортивном соревновании.
-Ух ты! Здорово! А я с братом смотрели фильмы про путешествия по миру. Я узнал много нового. А вечером папа отвел меня в цирк. Звери, шарики, клоуны. Чего там только не было!
-Да, в цирке много захватывающего. Я уже давно там не был.
-Если хочешь, пойдем на следующиие выходные, ладно?
-Я согласен!
-Ну, мне пора. Пока.
Lake Alakol is one of the nicest lakes in Kazakhstan. Alakol lake is located in the South-Eastern part of Kazakhstan, on the border with China. Alakol lake is the largest lake on the chain of lakes there. It is unique in its beauty and pristine nature. Alakol lake is located at the altitude of 347 meters above sea level. It reaches the length of 104 km, and its width is 52 km. The lake shore is covered with unique black pebbles. The water of lake Alakol has the same structure as the marine sulfate-sodium chloride. Tourists coming to lake Alakol can stop in the recreation centre "Arktur" located in Almaty region, on the south-west coast of the lake. In the Central part of the lake there is an archipelago of three Islands which in 1998 became Alakolskiy state natural reserve. Alakol is the most important crossroads of migration routes of birds commuters in Central Asia, flying from the distant Indian and African wintering grounds. It is on the Alakol lake district after tedious flights find peace and relaxation thousands of birds. Among them there are a lot of species listed in the Red book: pink and Dalmatian Pelican, whooper Swan, white-headed duck, snake eater, bustard, and others. You can also meet there such rare birds as flamingos, glossy IBIS, little egret. Alakol is rich in fish: white perch, plain sloth, carp, perch and much more. In the reeds you can watch spotted cat, the water rat, etc.