Арба́т — улица в Центральном административном округе города Москвы (район «Арбат»). Проходит от площади Арбатские Ворота до Смоленской площади, лежит между Пречистенкой и Новым Арбатом.Своё имя улица получила по названию местности — Орбат (Арбат), лежавшей к западу от Кремля.В XVI—XVII веках Арбатом называлась обширная местность, лежавшая между современными Знаменкой и Большой Никитской улицами, при этом основной улицей района была Воздвиженка, которая главным образом и получила название «Арбат»
Нередко к названию улицы добавляется прилагательное «старый» — Старый Арбат.
ответ:I don't have a favorite genre or direction. In different periods of my life, I preferred different books. Once it was the classic detective stories of Arthur Conan Dyle, but this does not mean that years later I will not be enthusiastically reading the adventures of Sir Sherlock Holmes, the book should match the mood. After the "detective" period, the hour of the epic “Gone with the Wind " came, where the fate of the main character is closely intertwined with the war in America, in this mood I smoothly switched to the heavy dramas of Remarque, and then to domestic fiction.I can say that I don't really like fantasy, but not because it's a bad genre, but because I can't keep track of the whole scale of the action. To take a specific example “the "Lord of the Rings" is still mastered, but the adventures of Bilbo Baggins himself have already caused a lot of questions, during which I had to print out a map of Middle-Earth with explanations, because I am completely given to the process and can not read the book "on top". Although the series about the misfortunes of the witcher Andrzej Sapkowski was read in one breath, as well as Roland's path to the Dark Tower of Stephen King.
I was very impressed by the books of alternative authors, such as Chuck Palahniuk, Irvine Welsh, Anthony Burgis. These books are not for everyone, but they have their own style and deep philosophy.
1. Hardly had we left town when it began to rain.
2. The moon hadn't risen. There was nothing to dispel the dark of the night.
3. On glancing at the address, he observed that it contained no name. The stranger hadn't gone far, so he followed him to ask it.
4. When at his house, they told me that he had left an hour ago.
5. No sooner had he taken a drink himself than Mrs Fettle looked in.
6. When I came to see my friend, I found him lying in bed. He looked very pale as he had been seriously ill for a whole month.
7. He had hardly lit another cigarette when the general came into the courtyard.
8. Gemma went slowly down the stairs, Martini following in silence. She had grown to look ten years older in these few days, and her hair had become gray.
9. Presently the sounds of voices and footsteps approaching along the terrace roused her from the dreamy state into which she had fallen.
10. She was a woman of nearly fifty who had been obviously pretty once.
11. Moreover, to him, the doctor, the affair was the commonplace; it was just a hysterical woman who had quarrelled with her friend and took poison.
12. I left home at 8 o'clock, but I hadn't gone far when I remembered that I had forgotten to lock my door.
13. When Alison had disappeared, the first strains of the orchestra came stealing out to me from inside the hall.
14. Scarcely had I closed the door when a gust of wind opened it again.