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08.11.2020 01:55 •  Английский язык

Сочинение на языке мой любимый предмет придумать 5, 7 предложений

Speaking about my favourite subject I must admit that I was privileged to study at a school where the English language was taught since the first form. It wasn't a specialized English school it was the school of fine-arts. Since the first days at school English has become my favourite subject. At the age of 7 we were introduced into foreign speech and were taught to read, write and listen to short texts in English. Our English teacher made each lesson an interesting game which we enjoyed very much. It was exiting and easy to learn English at that time by plaing games and singing songs. We looked at the pictures the teacher showed us, repeated the words after her, asked her questions: ''What's your name? '' and full of pride we answered: ''My name is …'' We wanted everybody to see that we knew English.

As we grew older our lessons became more instructive and serious. Our optimism and courage disappeared and a real job began. Not everybody liked it, not everybody wanted to work hard everyday. Any language is like music. It requires, everyday training. And this training consists of four main parts of exercises, if you like. They are listening, reading, writing and speaking. And the more you work, the more you do, the better you understand: you know to little, and you will discover that English consists of Her Majesty Grammar. A first it seems illogical and impos-sible to understand. And spelling! Everybody knows that in English you write Manchester and read Liverpool. And why only 26 letters? A lot of questions. You are trying to find the answers. The more you find, the more you understands the laws that govern this language.

You see how laconically beautiful it is, how expressive and impressive it can be. I think only at this moment you actually begin working at your English because you can understand what you need, what for you need it.

It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well-educated people know many foreign languages, because I have always interested in foreign countries, their culture, and people. I learn English because I understand that I can use it. I want to learn English in particular not only it is the language of such great countries as Great Britain or the USA because it became an international language of progressive science, engineering.

Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different counties to develope friendship and understanding. When they meet at festivals or in interna-tional friendship camps, they can associate in English.

I learn English, because I want to read foreign literature in original. I like such English and American writers as M. Twain, J. London, L. Carroll, W. Shakespeare, M. Michel and others. I understand that I must learn English because I can be able to go to go to the library an take books by English and American writers in original. I like to read books and newspapers, too. If I know, for example, English well I'll be able to read "The Morning Stap", "The Daily News". I know that these are very popular newspapers.

Today, one person in seven of the world's population either knows English or learns it. So a modern and cultured person must learn foreign language.

I think that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated men, for every good specialist.
4,7(49 оценок)
I wont to tell about my like lisson. My like lisson English,we write new words,speak in the English. I like English
4,5(76 оценок)
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The United States of America is a very diverse country. Its nature, climate, population varies from the East Coast to the west, from the northern border to the southern.Climate is mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the Great Plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the southwest.Natural resources include coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, and timber.Natural hazards are a great deal of problems for the USA. Every year, they loose hundred millions of dollars, because of natural hazards. The USA is famous for hurricanes along the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico coasts and tornadoes in the Midwest and southeast; mud slides in California; forest fires in the west; flooding.Sometimes there are tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes happen. Earthquakes are very often in California.Talking about environment, one should add that air pollution results in acid rains in both the US and Canada. The US is the largest single emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.Water pollution from runoff of pesticides and fertilizers takes place here.Climate and Natural Resources.
Климат и природные ресурсы.
Соединенные Штаты — это страна контрастов. Природа, климат, население страны изменяются с восточного побережья на западное, с северной границы на южную.Климат на большей части умеренный, тропический на Гавайях и в штате Флорида, арктический на Аляске, полузасушливый на великих западных равнинах реки Миссисипи и полупустынный на юго-западе.Природные ресурсы включают: уголь, медь, свинец, молибден, фосфаты, уран, бокситы, золото, железо, ртуть, никель, серебро, вольфрам, цинк, нефть, природный газ и древесину.Природные катаклизмы представляют огромную проблему для США. Каждый год страна теряет сотни миллионов долларов из-за природных катаклизмов. США известны своими ураганами вдоль атлантического побережья и побережья Мексиканского залива, торнадо на среднем западе и юго-востоке, грязевыми оползнями в Калифорнии, лесными пожарами на западе, наводнениями.Иногда наблюдаются цунами, вулканы и землетрясения. Очень часты землетрясения в Калифорнии.Говоря об окружающей среде, необходимо добавить, что загрязнение воздуха выливается в кислотные дожди как в США, так и в Канаде. США — самый крупный «производитель» двуокиси углерода от сжигания ископаемого топлива.Имеет место и загрязнение воды из-за сброса пестицидов и удобрений.
4,6(42 оценок)
На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкMy Favourite FlowerМой любимый цветокFlowers are regarded as a marvelous creation of nature. That’s how the nature speaks to us. It conveys love, peace and harmony through flowers. Any event receives a new meaning when decorated with flowers. To my mind all flowers are bewitching and glorious: red tulips, field daisies, chrysanthemums, lilacs, orchids. But my favourite flower is the red rose. In my opinion, it is the most beautiful and graceful flower. It can be presented to show ardent love and devotion. However, most people buy them on any occasion, be it someone’s birthday or wedding day, anniversary or special holiday. People know that roses show respect and good attitude. That’s why nearly everyone loves them. Rose oil and petals are used in gastronomy and cosmetology. For example, I know that some nations make a delicious marmalade from rose petals. And, the beauticians use the essence of rose to make face masks or conditioner for hair. Speaking about the heavenly scent of this flower, I should mention that I adore rose-based fragrances. I think that many people would agree that it’s one of the best scents. Bees also like the scent of a rose. They eagerly stock its sweet nectar. Vivid colours of roses often attract the attention of butterflies. Roses grow on a long, slender stalk, which is often covered with sharp thorns. For this reason there is a well-known saying “There’s no rose without a thorn”, meaning that every beautiful thing or desirable situation has its share of difficulty. In conclusion, I’d like to say that roses give the world not only their beauty and message of love, but they are also rather useful.Цветы относятся к чудесным созданиям природы. Таким образом, природа общается с нами. Посредством цветов она передает любовь, мир и гармонию. Любое событие получает новый смысл, если украшено цветами. На мой взгляд, все цветы чарующи и прекрасны: красные тюльпаны, полевые ромашки, хризантемы, сирень, орхидеи. Но мой любимый цветок - красная роза. По-моему, это самый красивый и изящный цветок. Его дарят, чтобы показать страстную любовь и привязанность. Тем не менее, большинство людей покупают их по любому поводу, будь то чей-то день рождения или день свадьбы, юбилей или особый праздник. Люди знают, что розы выказывают уважение и хорошее отношение. Вот почему почти все их любят. Розовое масло и лепестки используются в гастрономии и косметологии. Например, я знаю, что в некоторых странах делают вкуснейшее варенье из лепестков роз. А косметологи используют масло розы для изготовления масок для лица или кондиционера для волос. Говоря о божественном аромате этого цветка, должна сказать, что просто обожаю ароматы на основе розы. Я думаю, что многие люди согласятся, что это один из лучших ароматов. Пчелам также нравится запах розы. Они с удовольствием запасаются ее сладким нектаром. Яркий окрас роз часто привлекают внимание бабочек. Розы растут на длинной, тонкой ножке, которая зачастую покрыта острыми шипами. По этой причине существует известное высказывание «Нет розы без шипов», означающее, что каждая красивая вещь или желаемая ситуация имеют свою долю трудностей. В заключение, я хотела бы сказать, что розы дарят миру не только свою красоту и любовное послание, но и ощутимую пользу.
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