Complete the sentences.
If something costs €10 less than usual, it has €10 off.
1 If you don't have enough money to buy something, then you can't purchase it.
2 If you ask to pay less than the normal price, you are asking for a discount.
3 If the normal price is €60 and the shop sells it for €50, then it has been reduced
by €10.
4 The time when shops sell goods more cheaply than normal is called the sale.
5 If you buy something which is a good price for the product, you can say it's a bargain.
6 If you pay with €50 for something that costs €30, you should get €20 back.
7 When you have paid, the shop assistant should give you a receipt.
8 If you want your money back on a product, you can ask for a refund.