На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкMy UniversityМой университетMy name is Alexey Ushakov. I’m 18 years old. I would like to say some words about my university. I live and study in Krasnodar. It is a large city in the southern Russia. It is located on the Kuban River and is the administrative center of Krasnodar region. There are many universities and colleges in Krasnodar and the city is full of students. However, I chose to study in one of the biggest universities in the city, the Kuban State University. My branch is philology and I’m going to become a teacher of foreign languages. KubSU was founded in September 1920. Since then it has trained over 100,000 specialists, including a large number of foreign students. In 1994 KubSU was ranked by the Russian government as one of the leading institutions of higher education in the country. I am currently a student of this university and I’m proud of it. I know that many teenagers dream of studying here but the entrance exams are not easy. I had to study hard to become a student of this university. At the moment, I’m also a member of Student Union Committee and I take active part in everyday student life. Our Committee is responsible for the improvement of student facilities, coordinating such student events as concerts, sport events, fund-raising activities, volunteer work, etc. KubSU is also a member of the European and Eurasian University Associations. That’s why we often have international conferences held at the university. There are also frequent international programs based on educational exchange. Last year, for example, I had a chance to go to England as a member of such exchange but I still had a couple of exams to pass. So, I decided to postpone this opportunity. I hope I can participate in this program next year.На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкMy UniversityМой университетMy name is Alexey Ushakov. I’m 18 years old. I would like to say some words about my university. I live and study in Krasnodar. It is a large city in the southern Russia. It is located on the Kuban River and is the administrative center of Krasnodar region. There are many universities and colleges in Krasnodar and the city is full of students. However, I chose to study in one of the biggest universities in the city, the Kuban State University. My branch is philology and I’m going to become a teacher of foreign languages. KubSU was founded in September 1920. Since then it has trained over 100,000 specialists, including a large number of foreign students. In 1994 KubSU was ranked by the Russian government as one of the leading institutions of higher education in the country. I am currently a student of this university and I’m proud of it. I know that many teenagers dream of studying here but the entrance exams are not easy. I had to study hard to become a student of this university. At the moment, I’m also a member of Student Union Committee and I take active part in everyday student life. Our Committee is responsible for the improvement of student facilities, coordinating such student events as concerts, sport events, fund-raising activities, volunteer work, etc. KubSU is also a member of the European and Eurasian University Associations. That’s why we often have international conferences held at the university. There are also frequent international programs based on educational exchange. Last year, for example, I had a chance to go to England as a member of such exchange but I still had a couple of exams to p
Животное динозавров Полин Картрайт Не было бы фантастическимиметь динозавра для домашнего животного!Представьте себе животное динозавра, который жилв моем доме и принадлежали мне.Животное динозавр бы замечательно, весело.Но есть магазин, который может продать мне? Я не придется беспокоитьсяо принятии его на прогулку.Это займет меня для прогулок вместо этого.Мы могли бы обойти городв кратчайшие сроки на всех! Не было динозавр быть большое за строить дом на дереве!Я мог бы получить более высокую, что кто-то еще,и мой питомец будет проходить до материалы.Было бы, как с моей собственный кран. Я всегда есть тайниккогда мы играли Прятки.Я мог бы спрятаться за одной ногеа потом еще и потом еще.Никто не будет меня найти. Когда мои родители вышлиникто не осмелитсяпройти через дверной проем. Я не пропущу из увидев вещькогда был парад в городе.Я бы наилучший вид -и деньги для другого мороженого, если я нанялиз дополнительного пространства. Что интересно поплавать с динозавром!В то время как он стоял в глубокой воде, мои друзьяи я мог бы использовать его заднюю часть для слайди голова на перископ. Домашние животные иногда людей.Мой питомец, и я стал бы наиболееЗнаменитый команда из всех!Он может быть мост, если произошло наводнение.Он мог быть выше, то лестницаесли есть огонь. Но где бы он спать?Я не думаю, что мама и папахотелось бы, чтобы цветыи заборы раздавил квартиру. Я бы тратить все свои карманные деньгиобеспечение продовольствием. Животное динозавр бы замечательно, весело!Но я не могу найти магазин, который может продать мне.Это может быть лучше, чтобы получить ...птеродактиль вместо этого!
1.I wondered why he was laughing. I could see nothing funny in what was going on. 2. What are you two talking about? You are discussing his plan. 3. Are you leaving the town early this summer? 4. When will you speak to her about her lessons? 5. She wears dark spectacles. They are not just sun glasses. She does not see very well. 6.Why are you wearing sun glasses on a gray day like this? 7. He is living with his parents now. I think, he is looking for a job. 8. I could not see his face, he sat so that his face was in shadow. 9. When I saw her last she was trying on hats at Angela's. 10.For some fifteen minutes he was writing in silence without once raising his eyes from what he was writing. 11. We were walking for some time. The road was getting worse, just a narrow goat trail. 12.You’ll leave us soon. It is getting colder every day. 13.We were friendly at school. I still saw him from time to time. 14.You’ll hear from me one of these days. 15. Phone as late as you can I’ll be up. I’ll watch the football game on TV. It’s the semi-finals tonight. 16. The rain started when I was waiting for my bus. 17. Why did you speak to him so? He only tried to help. 18. I hate the place in autumn. It was raining when we came and it was raining when we left.