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Краткий пересказ it te heat of the moment 50 сам текст when a volcano erupts, most people want to get as far away as possible, as quickly as they can! german engineer martin rietze, on the other hand, grabs his camera and tries to get as close as he can and stay alive at the same time! he’s so close that he can feel the heat burning his face even through his gas mask. the lava flow is about a metre away and it’s getting closer every second. the ground beneath his feet is shaking and there is a deafening roar like a plane taking off. he can’t stay this close for too long because the gases and acids will destroy his camera, but martin rietze waits just long enough to see flaming hot lava and ash explode out of the nearby crater - and gets the perfect shot. martin is a freelance photographer whose stunning photographs of volcanic eruptions are in high demand with newspapers and magazines all over the world. he is one of a small but dedicated group of volcano chasers. when a dorm ant volcano becomes active, they book the first flight to be as near as possible to it, set up camp and wait, sometimes for as long as two weeks. it takes a lot of patience as a volcano can erupt at any time, night or day and clouds, fog and steam often block the view. the final results though, like martin’s shots of volcanic lightning - a phenomenon that still mystifies scientists - are definitely worth it! when the eyjafjallajokull volcano in iceland erupted in 2010 and ash clouds closed airspace over northern europe, martin was already on the scene for some of his most spectacular shots. after spending three sleepless nights in freezing temperatures, martin got within three feet of the lava flow and even took photos of lava fountains - jets of lava that shoot up as high as a thirty-storey building! he didn’t get any sleep because the volcano was throwing out rocks the size of cars, so for most of the time he was sheltering behind a large boulder! martin says that he’s had more accidents when mountain climbing than volcano chasing, but that doesn’t stop him from taking precautions because this is a job where safety is a priority. goggles and a gas mask provide protection from poisonous gases, but gloves are just as important because fresh lava can be as sharp as a knife. volcano chasing is quite risky. as martin admits, “one has to know when it is safe to come near and when it is a matter of survival to stay away - sometimes many kilometres away!

When a volcano erupts, most people want to get as far away as possible, but some people like German engineer Martin Rietze, on the other hand, grab cameras and try to get as close as possible and stay alive at the same time! Martin Rietze waits just long enough to see flaming hot lava and ash explode out of the nearby crater - and gets the perfect shot. He is a freelance photographer whose photographs of volcanic eruptions are in high demand with newspapers and magazines all over the world. He is one of a small group of volcano chasers. When a dorm ant volcano becomes active, they book the first flight to be as near as possible to it, set up camp and wait, sometimes for as long as two weeks. The final results are definitely worth it! When the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland erupted Martin was already on the scene for some of his most spectacular shots. Martin says that he’s had more accidents when mountain climbing than volcano chasing, but that doesn’t stop him from taking precautions because this is a job where safety is a priority. Goggles and a gas mask provide protection from poisonous gases, but gloves are just as important because fresh lava can be as sharp as a knife. Volcano chasing is quite risky. As Martin admits, “One has to know when it is safe to come near and when it is a matter of survival to stay away - sometimes many kilometres away!
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My favorite time of year!
More than other seasons I like spring. This is not surprising, because in spring nature begins to awaken from a long sleep. Begin to bloom flowers, budding leaves on the trees, the young green grass envelops the entire surface of the earth that surrounds us, the sun begins to warm us with its rays, the birds begin to delight us with their singing.
I love it because spring is born anew nature, everything becomes easy. Among the seasons spring plays a special role. Every year she begins a new Chapter in the life of nature. In contrast to winter, spring is rightly called in the morning.
A lot of poets devoted their works to the spring. For example, Pushkin, Yesenin, Tyutchev, Fet wrote a beautiful poem. Savrasov, Shishkin wrote a delightful spring landscape. Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky composed his fantastic masterpieces under the influence of spring mood. Is in spring something magical...
With the arrival of spring, the whole world is filled with music. It replaces the winter silence and the howling of the wind. The ringing of Cappel, the murmur of streams, the cheerful chirping of birds – everything speaks about the onset of heat and joyful change. Snow every day becoming less. It disappears in the warm sunlight. In the air there is the smell of spring. All the people rejoice the spring.
Im already tired of snow and cold, I want sun and warmth. You can now take off the heavy winter clothes, without fear of frost and blizzards. But especially the spring happy children. How fun they play in the sunshine, running through the puddles and let boats! Here and there sounds cheerful laughter of children. With the onset of spring, the whole world becomes bright and colorful. Over the white silence. Now in the world everything will become bright green, sky blue and shining. The first leaves on the trees, breaks the first grass, and the river reflected the blue sky. This is a real spring!
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Hello, dear friend Alexander. I understand your concern about the lack of free time. I have the same problems. But you can not grasp the immensity. I learned how to optimize my time. I chose only those hobbies that I needed in life. And I dropped all the rest as unnecessary. Now I have time for everything and I have no problems with lack of freedom.
In life, it is really very important to learn how to separate the main from the secondary. Now I have time for everything and I am happy!
See you soon friend!
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