Когда в в вопросе есть глагол, обозначающий действие (ходить, смотреть, читать и т.д.), то в 3л.ед.ч. в вoпросе будет does. Если же в вопросе кто или что есть (он студент, она учительница, он маленький...), то тогда опять же в 3л.ед.ч. будет is.
1: Hello! 2: Hello! I said, you want to take English language courses in West Devon English Language school? 1: Yes. 2:Well, I, too, would like to go,but doubt it. 1:why? 2:I'm not sure that these courses are good teachers. 1:I'm sure this school is great teachers. 2: I Hope so. 2:I Have another problem. I'm working late tonight I'm afraid will not have time for courses. 1: This is not a problem, the school operates 24 hours a day,you can come at any time. 2:It's very cool!Tomorrow apply for a course,thanks! 1.Not for that. 2:goodbye. 1:goodbye.
7.You all wet rain still go? yes, also becomes colder. 8.tomorrow I meet mine of a redaktorom.ta you works on the new book? yes, and he wants to sign with me the new contract.9 .interesno, and in Brazil sometime it is snowing?10. I adore this song! but it is some new version. who sings it?11. now you trust me? - no, me you still seem to me you lies.12. you go to theater again? what that means again? I really often go to theater, but why it so surprises you? 13. why you so have early supper? Now only 6 hours.