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Сочинение о плюсах и о минусах онлайн обучения на 5 обзацев


First you need to deal with the positive features. Firstly, the student is located anywhere on our planet - at home, at the airport, in nature, etc., which is really good, as there is no georeferencing. This is especially interesting for those who, according to the schedule of their work, have to constantly change their place of residence. Secondly, you can practice at any time, respectively, it is also very convenient, since it is not always possible to attend a class at the appointed hour.

However, behind these positive moments lies a big minus. It consists in the fact that in nature or at home it will be difficult for you to adjust yourself to the atmosphere you need for your work. This will contribute a lot of distractions. For some, this, of course, will not cause problems, especially for those who have the required level of self-discipline. But most people will not be able to keep themselves from being able to simultaneously study a lesson and search for information on the Internet.

Сначала необходимо разобраться с положительными особенностями. Во-первых, ученик находится в любом месте нашей планеты – дома, в аэропорту, на природе и т.д., что действительно хорошо, так как нет привязки по географическому принципу. Особенно интересно это для тех, кто по графику своей работы вынужден постоянно менять место жительства. Во-вторых, можно заниматься практически в любое время, соответственно это тоже очень удобно, так как не всегда есть возможность посетить занятие в назначенный час.

Однако за этими положительными моментами скрывается и большой минус. Он состоит в том, что на природе или дома вам будет трудно настроить себя на нужную для занятий атмосферу. Этому будут достаточно много отвлекающих факторов. Для некоторых это, естественно, не будет вызывать проблем, особенно для тех, кто имеет требуемый уровень самодисциплины. Но большинство людей не сможет себя удержать от возможности одновременно изучать урок и искать информацию в Интернете.

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Abai Kunanbaev - great poet, writer, public figure and founder of modern Kazakh written literature, reformer of culture in spirit of rapprochement with Russian and European culture on the basis of enlightened liberal Islam.

Abai was born August 10, 1845 in Chingiz mountains, Semipalatinsk region (under the current administrative division) from one of the four wives kunanbai, senior Sultan karkarala district. Abai's family was aristocratic, and grandfather (Oskenbai) and grandfather (Irgizbaya) dominated in his family as rulers and biys. He was lucky in the sense of family coziness and home care, as both mother Ulzhan and grandmother zere were extremely charming and gifted natures. It is with the light hand of the mother the father the name of "Ibrahim" was replaced by the hypocoristic "Abai", that means "circumspect, thoughtful". Under this name he lived all his life and went down in history.

Begun in early childhood introduction to the oral folklore of the people and home the training was continued mullahs in the madrassas of Imam Ahmad Riza. Simultaneously, he studied at Russian school and by the end of the five-year study began to write poetry. With 13 years Kunanbay starts to accustom Abai to administrative activity of the head of family. He had to understand the intergeneric disputes, quarrels, intrigues, and gradually he was disappointed to administrative and political activities, which led to the fact that at the age of 28 years, Abay departs from it entirely took up self-education. But for 40 years he is aware of his vocation as a poet and citizen, in particular, putting under the poem "Summer" is his name (he had previously attributed his works to a friend Zhantasova Kokay). Considerable impetus to the erection high potency of Abay at this point was his Association with the exiled Russian, with E. P. Mikhaelis, N. Dolgopolov, S. Gross. Abay's treatment of Russian culture in the nineteenth century experienced a period of "storm and stress" in literature and art, was the more natural that in the Eastern tradition, the poetic word was highly appreciated. Abai was closed to the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Goethe and Byron. He is in his transcriptions of the Kazakh subtly conveyed the spirit of the translated poems and adapted for attitude of the tribesmen.

For 20 years the blooms are extremely versatile genius of Abai, he gains extraordinary authority, huge and hitherto in the desert not seen the popularity. To it flock the akyns, singers, composers, crowding around him talented young people, creates socio-philosophical and literary schools.

But Abay as the dominant causes wild envy, the rabid animosity shown in the most artful forms. Last strokes of bad luck are connected with death of Abdrahman and magavi. He rejected treatment of an illness and has voluntary doomed itself to death. He is buried near his wintering in the valley zhidebai, near the Chingiz mountains, 60 year life.
4,7(31 оценок)
When I was almost 1 year old - в ед. числе. В этом же предложении, если уж "мои родители говоряТ", тогда "My parents say". Далее, здесь же, не думаю что надо использовать продолженное.
либо так если используем when,
My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old when they gave me pencils and paper for drawing,
I was banging rhytm of the music which I heard lately.
либо так, если не используем:
My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old they gave me pencils and paper for drawing but I banged rhytm of the music which I heard lately.
Because of it - лучше That's why.
I like it because I can do it very well anyway my teachers say it. Это лучше разделить на 2: I like it because I can do it very well. At least my teachers say it.

Ещё подумаю, наверняка не всё))
4,6(25 оценок)
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