Жили были два утенка. Любили гулять они. Так гуляли они и набрели на машину. реили прокатиться но мама не рарешила им. и пошли они домой. Легли спать и уснул. снится им что едут они машие и начали спорить. Спорили спории а машиа ехала сама по себе. И не заметили как на скорости 200км/ч вреались в дерево. тут они проснулись дома в постели . И сказали как хорошо что мы дома
Lived there were two duckling. They liked to walk. So they walked and came upon a car. reili ride but my mother did not Rares them. and they went home. We went to bed and fell asleep. they dream that they are going mashie and began to argue. Disputes Disputes and mashia drove itself. And did not notice how at the speed of 200km / h vrealis a tree. then they woke up at home in bed. And they said as well that we are at home.
Вводная фраза: Well, I would like to start with a general description.
Что изображено: This photo (picture) shows a seaside resort (морской курорт) in summer. The weather is hot that’s why the beach is full of people.
Детали: There are no clouds in the sky and it looks light blue. Аs for the sea, it is a bit rough, I can see the waves, so the light wind is probably blowing.
In the foreground just a bit to the right there is a big merry-go-round. I can guess that a lot of children are riding horses there. They may be laughing, shouting, in other words, they are having fun.
Another kind of attraction is situated to the left of the first one. It looks smaller and at first sight you can suppose that it is a merry-go-round, too. But if you look closer, you can see that it might be a kiosk with some food or souvenirs because people are standing around probably looking for something to buy.
The beach is very crowded. The people are lying on the sand and swimming in the sea.
Не забудьте о заднем фоне: In the background I can make out the outline of a white pier (пирс) which stands out against the blue sky.
Заключение: As for me, I have enjoyed a lot describing this cheerful picture. This sunny beach makes me feel optimistic because in a few weeks I hope I will be enjoying swimming in the sea, too.