weather - W
accommodation - A,
food, service - FS,
travel/transport - TT,
crime - C,
health - H,
belongings - B,
the town/resort - TR
1. It rained every single day! - W
2. Our flight was delayed by six hours. - TT
3. The meals in the hotel were appalling. - FS
4. My luggage got lost. - TT
5. The beach was dirty and crowded. - FS
6. I left my passport at home. - TT, B
7. There was no air conditioning in our room. - A, FS,
8. I got bitten by mosquitoes. - H
9. Some money was stolen from my backpack. - B, C,
10. There was absolutely no nightlife. - TR
11. I got mugged on a sightseeing tour. - TT, C, B
12. The staff* were unfriendly and rude. - A, FS,
13. I got ill. - H,
14. There was a hurricane while we were there. - W, TT
If someone wants to see the longest river in the world, ancient structures and real mummies, he should go Egypt. This country is situated in the north-east of Africa, although the Sinai Peninsula connects with south-west Asia. That’s why Egypt is often called a Middle East country. Если кто-то хочет увидеть самую длинную реку в мире, древнейшие строения и настоящие мумии, то он должен поехать в Египет. Эта страна расположена на северо-востоке Африки, хотя Синайский полуостров соединяется и с юго-западом Азии. Вот почему Египет часто называют страной Ближнего Востока
Учитель: Расскажи что-нибудь о великих химиках 17-го века.
Ученик: (немного подумав) Они все умерли, сэр.
Косвенная речь:
All the chemists of the 17th century is dead.
(Все химики 17-го века мертвы).
The teacher asked to tell about chemists of the 17th century, but the pupil answered that they are all dead.
(Учитель попросил рассказать о химиках 17-го века, но ученик ответил, что они все мертвы\умерли).