Мне совсем не сложно представить город моей мечты. Он достаточно большой и многолюдный. В нем много красивых зданий. Большинство домов в центре города многоэтажные, в них размещаются офисы. А на его окраинах расположены жилые дома. Эти дома невысокие. В городе моей мечты много деревьев и клумб. Транспорт в городе моей мечты ходит так часто, что всем пассажирам хватает мест и стоять не приходится вовсе. В автобусах, трамваях, вагонах метро под потолком закреплены телевизоры, которые показывают пассажирам хорошие фильмы. Зимой в городе моей мечты не бывает гололёда. А ещё в городе моей мечты есть приюты для бездомных животных. Поэтому на его улицах нет бродячих собак и кошек. Все они в заботливых руках работников приютов. Я уверен, что мой родной город очень скоро станет городом моей мечты.
It is not difficult for me to imagine the city of my dreams. It is large enough and crowded. It has many beautiful buildings. Most of the houses in the city center are multi-storey, they have offices. And on its outskirts are residential buildings. These houses are not high. In the city of my dreams there are many trees and flower beds. Transport in the city of my dreams goes so often that all passengers have enough seats and do not have to stand at all. In buses, trams, subway cars under the ceiling fixed TVs, which show passengers good movies. In the winter in the city of my dreams there is no ice. And in the city of my dreams there are shelters for homeless animals. Therefore, in its streets there are no stray dogs and cats. They are all in the caring hands of shelter workers. I am sure that my hometown will very soon become the city of my dreams.
My home town is small. It is rich in parks and gardens, so it is very green. The town stands on the river and from the bridges you can have a nice view of its beautiful houses. In the center there are mainly old buildings and a church. There is no theatre in my town but there is a museum. The museum is not far from the main square.
The streets of my town are narrow and the houses are not very high. There are many small corner shops where people usually buy food. Also there is a market where people can buy fresh fruits and vegetables.