1. Columbus discovered America.
America was discovered by Columbus.
2. We keep money in a safe.
Our money is kept in a safe.
3. A bee stung her.
She was strung by a bee.
4. They speak Italian in Italy.
Italian is spoken in Italy.
5. They have taken his aunt to hospital.
His aunt has been taken to hospital by them.
6. The boys damaged the television.
The television was damaged by the boys.
7. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci.
8. He invited 30 people to his party.
30 people were invited by him to his party.
9. They grow bananas in Africa.
Bananas is grown in Africa.
1.Having been written long ago, the manuscript was impossible to read.
Having been writtent: Participle 1 perf pass
an adverbial modifier of reason обстоятельство причины
2. Having been built of concrete, the house was always cold in winter.
Having been built: Participle 1 perf pass
an adverbial modifier of reason обстоятельство причины
3. He doesn’t like boiled milk.
boiled: part 2 attribute определение
4. I remember well his words said at the meeting.
said: part 2 attribute определение
5. We don’t like the book bought last week.
bought: part 2 attribute определение
6. The stolen things were returned to the owner.
stolen: part 2 attribute определение; returned: part 2 predicative часть сказуемого
7. Asked about this event, he replied nothing.
asked: part 2 (detached) attribute (обособленное) определение
8. The explanation given was not complete.
given: part 2 attribute определение
9. When burnt, coal produces heat.
burnt: part 2 an adverbial modifier of time обстоятельство времени
10. The results received were of great importance for the further work
received: part 2 attribute определение
2. Часто необходимо нанимать людей из-за пределов организации.
3. Не забывайте, что деньги, которые будут использованы для приобретения сезонного инвентаря требуют более быстрого возврата, чем деньги, используемые для покупки растущих активов.
1. Конкуренция между малым бизнесом и крупными компаниями, кажется, становится жестче все время.
2. Операционные расходы, как ожидается, слегка понизятся в этом году, несмотря на 6,8 процента продвижения доходов.
3. Производственные показатели, скорее всего, будут отличаться от предыдущего года.