Исконно русская игрушка чаще всего была резной и напоминала маленькую деревянную скульптуру. Навыки по ее созданию передавались из поколения в поколение – так формировался народный промысел. Первые потешки появились на Руси еще в IX веке. Их изготавливали как для собственных детей, так и на продажу. Популярная потешка «Наковальня» тоже пришла из Древней Руси. Многие и сейчас знают, как она выглядит: на концах бревна сидят деревянные фигурки кузнеца и медведя, их можно заставить поочередно стучат молотками, перемещая основу игрушки.
1. Nick asked them how he could get to the railway station.
2. Olga asked Tom what time he would come there the following day.
3. She asked me why I hadn't come there the previous day.
4. She asked me what I would do the following day if I was not busy at my office.
5. Pete asked his friends when they were leaving St. Petersburg.
6. Boris asked Jane if she would come to the railway station to see him off.
7. She asked me if I had sent them a telegram.
8. She asked me if I had sent them a telegram the previous day.
9. I asked Mike if he had packed his suit-case.
10 . The man told Nick not to cross the street under the red light.
11. Mike told his father he had borrowed a very good book from their library the previous day.
12. Lena told Jane to come to her house the following day.
13. Ann told Lena to look at her nice kitten.
14. Our grandmother told us that we would go to the zoo the following day.
15. Mother told Pete not to forget to wash his hands.
16. Nick told his mother he was doing his homework.
Thank you for letter. I also want to tell you how we celebrated New Year's Eve.On the 31st og December my dad and I decorated the New yer tree. My mum cooked a special meal and a New Year cake. At midnigt we congratulated each other and gound our presents under the tree. I got a new mobile phone. Then we set up the fireworks,threw snowballs outdoors, sang funny songs and laughed. I was happy!