In the end of the meeting we at least found a logical desicion - В конце встречи, мы наконец нашли логические решение. The content of film was very strange.- Содержание фильма было очень странным. It's adviseble to save money in the different ways. - Желательно хранить деньги по разному. Responsible people are never late to the important events.- ответственные люди никогда не опаздывают на важные мероприятия. To be informed is to be armed. - Быть информированным - быть во всеоружии. Everything is possible in our life. - В нашей жизни все возможно. She had been careless and she had lost my key.-Она была беспечной и потеряла мой ключ.
1. We finished by five o'clock. 2. By the end of the year he learned to speak prancuziski. 3. He said he talked about it with the Director. 4. Since we have not received a reply to our letter, we sent them a telegram. 5. He said that he bought a VCR. 6. When I returned from vacation, he had already recovered. 7. He said he was well prepared for the exams. 8. He returned my dictionary, once translated article. 9. Yesterday he bought the watch because it has lost its old. 10. My friend was very pale when I met him. I realized, which is topraysolar. 11. I was home for two hours when he came. 12. By the end of the week I did half of the work. 13. All knew that they were friends from the war. 14. We have read several books about Dali, before going up to the gallery. 15. When he left, I remembered that I had not returned him to the floppy disk. 16. I spent my holidays near Foxtown. My friend advised me to go there. 17. I saw him before the train stopped. 18. When he entered the room, he laughed at what I did. 19. Jack decided stockto-toral his bike. 20. When we approached the cottage, he saw that the lock was broken.