1. Nick said that he had never been there. 2. He said to us that he had been to India. 3. He asked us if we had ever been to America. 4. He said to me how many times I had been there. 5. Ann said to us not to be late for dinner. 6. She said that they would have dinner at 8 o’clock. 7. I said to her if they would have tea after dinner. 8. Johnny said to us that he had already had his breakfast. 9. Mike said to the waiter to bring him a cup of black coffee. 10. I said to Mike if he had paid the bill. 11. My uncle said to me that he had just received a letter from my sister. 12. I said to my uncle if he had sent a letter to George. 13. He said that he would send him a telegram. 14. I asked if you could give me his address. 15. Mary said to us that she had bought some books. 16. We asked what book she had bought books. 17. Johnny said to her if she would show him the books she had bought. 18. He said that it would not take us long to get there.
ответ:Люди називають Уельса "країною пісні", ймовірно, через їх інтонаційну співочу пісню, а також тому, що валлійська дуже музична. 9 співаків Ширлі Бассі та Том Джонс - валлійці, а також поп-група The Manic Street Preachers. Один з найпопулярніших дитячих авторів Роалд Дал народився в Уельсі (його батьки були норвежцем), а Ділан Томас був відомим валлійським письменником-поетом. А Ось кілька відомих акторів з Уельсу: Річард Бертон, Тімоті Далтон, Ентоні Хопкінс, Кетрін Зета-Джонс. Гора Еверест була названа на честь валлійського сера Джорджа Евереста.
Объяснение:наче так