Foreign languages can give you everything. You can communicate with people from different countries, study and work in different countries. . Every innovation, technologies is appear on English language. If you understand English you can explore it earlier than other people who don't know other languages. In conclusion the most important advantage of other languages is understanding the mind of foreign person. When you are studing foreign language you are studing a mental of this country.
Present continuous в данный момент я работаю -I`m working now at the moment Сейчас я лежу на диване и слушаю музыку -Now I`m lying in the sofa and listening to music В данный момент я плаваю в бассейне -I`m swimming the pool at the moment я гуляю по парку -I`m walking on the park я бегу на автобус-I `m runing the bus
Present Simple Я люблю слушать радио-I like listening to radio Мне нравится гулять вечером по парку- I like to walk in the evening on park Я учусь в пятом классе - I study in the fifth grade В школе я изучаю немецкий язык-At the school I study german language Я работаю инженером на заводе -I work as the engineer at the factory
My homeland - Russia, a strong, independent, multicultural and welcoming country. On its territory one happy family there live people of different nationalities. They go to each other's homes, bring meals, share the recipes of national dishes , congratulate each other on holidays and give gifts. I'm Russian, but I respect the culture and religion of other nationalities. Since childhood I was taught to respect the history and identity of other peoples living on the territory of our country. Russia is the mother, and different people - her children. I think that she, as mother, is kind, caring and strict.
Every innovation, technologies is appear on English language. If you understand English you can explore it earlier than other people who don't know other languages.
In conclusion the most important advantage of other languages is understanding the mind of foreign person. When you are studing foreign language you are studing a mental of this country.