2. I dont have a computer (and i need one) I wish i had one.
3. Helen isn't here (and i need to see her.) I wish i saw her.
4. Its cold (and i hate cold weather) I wish it was not cold.
5 I live in a big city (and i dont like it) I wish it was not big.
6 I cant go to the party (and i'd like to) I wish I was at the party.
7 I have to get up early tomorrow (bui i'd like to sleep late) I wish to get up late tomorrow.
8 I dont know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down.) I wish i knew how about cars.
9 Im not feeling well (and its not nice) I wish to feel well.
1. Join (Present Continuous) - Рассказчик просит присоединиться к нему В ДАННЫЙ МОМЕНТ
2. Turn (Present Continuous) - Рассказчик просит быть потише В ДАННЫЙ МОМЕНТ
3. Sent (Past Simple) - драка БЫЛА
4. Eat (Present Simple) - РАЗ В НЕДЕЛЮ рассказчики готовят дома
5.Turn (Present Continuous) - рассказчик просит сделать громче СЕЙЧАС
6. Gave (Past Simple) - рассказчик БРОСИЛ заниматься игрой на трубе
7. Carried (Past Continuous/Past Simple) - они играли ДО ТЕХ ПОР, пока не пошёл дождь, и они не СПРЯТАЛИСЬ
8. Take (Present Continuous) -рассказчик говорит, чтобы получить больше нагрузок, НАДО ЗАНИМАТЬСЯ СЕЙЧАС каким-либо спортом
3. You … take a bus to get to the museum. It’s far from here. A) should
4. In the past people protected … by high walls. D) themselves
5. He asked me …D) what my name was
6. I will ask Tom if I … him tomorrow. A) will see
7. I think we can work this … with you so that all of us are satisfied. A) out
8. People should … the world around them. A) explore
9. The Scottish symbol is a wild plant called the …D) Thistle
11. The War of the Red and White Rose lasted …30 years
12. Track-and-field. B) легкая атлетика
13. Jack of all trades. A) мастер на все руки
14. Fencing.C) фехтование