My name is Anastasia. I’m fourteen years old. I’m fond of reading. Books take an important place in my life. I was taught to like and take care of books from the childhood. I find out much new, useful and interesting information from books. They teach me to take right decisions and apprehend school subjects better. I can find an answer to any interesting question in books. I get knowledge from them. I like to read books about the Middle Ages and also I like historical and fantastic works. I plunge into another world at once. Also I like scientific stories about animals and plants. The book is a medicine for soul. When I finish reading of a good book I always feel upset because of its fast end. One famous writer said that books are our friends. I completely agree with him. It seems to me that books take an important place in our life and they are necessary for everybody . Перевод Меня зовут Анастасия. Мне 14 лет. Я очень люблю читать. Книги в моей жизни имеют большое значение. Любить и беречь книги родители научили меня с детства. Из книг я узнаю много нового, полезного и интересного. Они учат меня принимать правильные решения и лучше воспринимать школьные предметы. В книгах я могу найти ответ на любой интересующий меня вопрос. Из них я черпаю новые знания. Люблю читать про средневековье, исторические и фантастические произведения. Я сразу окунаюсь в другой мир. Ещё мне нравятся научные рассказы о животных и растениях. Книга – лекарство души. Заканчивая читать хорошую книгу, я всегда жалею, что она так быстро закончилась. Один известный писатель сказал, что книги – это друзья. Я полностью с ним согласна. Мне кажется, что книги играют важную роль в жизни и необходимы каждому человеку.
The period of national education of the princes of Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise is often recognized as primary in the entire history of this education, largely associated with the Christian churches. Under 988 year in the Tale of bygone years: "And he ordained (Vladimir) the Church in the name of St. Basil on the hill, where stood the idol of Perun and other and where did they are functions of the Prince and people. Other cities began to put the Church and to define in them priests, and to lead people into the baptism in all the cities and villages. He sent to gather the best people children and give them the training book. Mothers of these children were crying about them; for they have not affirmed in faith, and mourned as dead" (the Gentiles were against Christian innovation). Teacher X-XIII centuries because of the imperfection of methods of teaching and individual work in the process of working with each student individually could not do more than 6-8 students. The Prince got to the school a large number of children, therefore, was forced at first to distribute them among the teachers. This division of students into groups was common in schools in Western Europe at that time. Surviving acts Cantor schools of medieval Paris is known that a number of students have one teacher was from 6 to 12 people, in schools Kljunijsky monastery - 6 persons, female primary schools til - 4-5 students . Eight students depicted in miniature personal "life of St. Sergius of Radonezh", 5 students sit in front of a teacher on the engraving face "ABC" 1637 Century Borzova.